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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO,: 18-6918 <br />MAIN ST & 15TH ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (189) <br />'Wtindvnr, being an oflcer, agent, oremploym of the United <br />States, or of my State or Tentory, or whoever, whether a <br />person, association. In, or corporation, knowingly makes any <br />false statement, false representation, orfalse report as b the <br />charaaar, qua9y, quantlly,a Cast ofhhe material used OF to <br />be usetl, a the quandly orqually of Ihework pedomied or to <br />be Pertained. or he met thereof in connectort wih the <br />submission of plena, maps, specllkalbns, contracts, propels <br />of construction Oct any highway or related project submitted for <br />approval to he Secretory of Transportation; or <br />Whoever knowingly makes any false statement, false <br />representation, (also report or false claim with respect to (e <br />Chmider, quafty, quantity, or cost of any wok partitioned a to <br />be Pedorned, or materials furnished or to be furnished, in <br />correction with the construction of any highway or related <br />Project approved by the 3eaataryof Transpoestion; or <br />Whoever knowingly makes any false stalamenl orfmse <br />to presentation as to material fact In any statement, cwi fimle, <br />or report submitted Pursuant to pmvidons of the Fedardakl <br />Bonds Oct approved July 1, 1916, (39 Stal. 355). as amended <br />and suppemmled; <br />Shad be Road under this fills a fmp is Wed not men han 5 <br />Years or bcth." <br />OL IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEAN AIR ACT AND FEDERAL <br />WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT <br />This Prooddm Is applicable to ON Faderalaid combuction <br />Contracts Ord b all related subcontracts. <br />By submission of his bidlpmpostel or Ito execufim or this <br />contract, or subcomrd, as appropriate, the bidder, proposer, <br />FederLaid construction contractor, or subcoandfor, as <br />appropriate, will be deemed to have stipulated as follows. <br />1. That ate person who Is orwdl he utiOted in the <br />Pe f rewire of this contract is net PmWOd from daceldng an <br />award due to a viola8on of Sedan 508 of he Clean Water Act <br />or Section 306 of he Clean Air Act. <br />2. That he contactor agrees b include or cause to be <br />included the aquienleols of pomgmph (i) of this Section X in <br />every subcontract, and further agrees b lake such action as <br />he oontrscting agency my dial as a means of enlacing <br />suchrequiemenla. <br />X. CE RTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, <br />SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY <br />EXCLUSION <br />This provision is appkable, to at FedealaM constrdim <br />contacts, dedgn•b id contracts, subcontracts, imaralar <br />oubcontreds, purchase "don. lease agreements, consultant <br />controls orany other covered transaclm requiring FHWA <br />approved Of that is estimated to coal S25,000 or mom — as <br />defined In 2CFR Pads 180 and 1200, <br />I. Instructions lor Certification — Flat Tier Participants: <br />a By signing and submitting this proposal, he prospective <br />feel tier participant Is providing the certification eel out below. <br />b. The InabiTly of a person to provide he certification set oul <br />below Ail not necessady result in denial of participation In this <br />covered trareacthm. The prospective ksl nor Participant shag <br />submi an expatiation of why I cannot provide the certification <br />set or1 below. The cedMicalon or explanation will be <br />corretdefed in camadtbn with the depmmenl oragencys <br />determination whether to enter Into this trensed'gn. However, <br />failure of the prospective firm lie(penlfoipanl to fumish a <br />cerg8calon wan expenation del disqualify Ouch a person <br />from participation In this transaction. <br />c. The codification in this clause is a material representation <br />of fact upon which ralieme was placed when the contracting <br />agency deleanked to enter into this turns action. If it is later <br />determined Unit he prospective partkdpant knowingly rendered <br />an monition cans imtion, In addition to other remedies <br />available to be Federal Government. he contracting agency <br />may terminate this hmraadion for cause ofdafaua. <br />d. The prospect" first IW parficpmt shad provide <br />Immediate written MOO& to the contracting agency to wtem <br />this proposed Is submitted If any bite the prospective first fiat <br />participant lama Ind b ca ficallon was motmo swhen <br />submitted "has become amo eas by mason of changad <br />circumstances. <br />e. The terms 'cwerod irortsedhon" "ddrrred," <br />`suspemled,"neliglbla,"`perticpant,"parson' Vdnoipd` <br />and'boluntarty excluded; as used in Ills clause, am defined <br />In 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. 'Flel Tier Covered <br />TrmisadlerN' colds tomiy oalared trai eattlmbahwdl a <br />grandee or subgnntm of Federal furls and a participant (such <br />as he prima or genre( asrdrac0. 'Lower Tle(Covered <br />Trsnsadiorq" refer b any adorned trenracg nmidara Flat <br />Tqr C0leted Trmeadlm (such der aubCbdrnda). 'Flat Tier <br />Participant. deters to the ponl ipaflt who has entered Into a <br />covered transaction Win a grantee or subgmntee Of Federal <br />Male ouch as the ovine Of general caritrackr). 'Lower Tier <br />PantapOre MUM any participant who has mrbred Into a <br />covered transaction with a Fist Tier Participant a other Lower <br />Tier Partldpants, (such as suboadrectom and suppiesm). <br />f. The pmspodive het tier perfidPera agrees by submadng <br />ids proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be <br />entered into, 0 that not knowingly enter Into any lower tier <br />commit transaction With a pamort who is debarred. <br />suspended, declared ineligible, a voluntadly tocluded koa <br />participation in this eoverd moseclion, unless authorized by <br />lie deparkned oragency enledng into (his lrmsaction <br />gg The prospective first (in( parmiant further agaes by <br />oWmtko this Proposal Ind It wil Include the clause t)ged <br />'Cafffeallon Regarding Delimited. Suspension, Inelghlly <br />and Voluntary ExefuslonLowar Tier Covered Transactions," <br />provided by the department a contracting agency, entering <br />Into this covered transaction, without modification, in all lower <br />flat covered transactions and in all soiicilatorm for lower Ida <br />covered transactions exceeding the $25,000 threshold. <br />h. A padkdporil in a covered trmsaclm may rely upon a <br />cortlmhion of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered <br />transaction hat is not debased, suspandad, inallgiXe, or <br />voluntarily excluded from he covered transaction unless X <br />knowsthdthecandkalonisenonsous. Apstthdpantls <br />raponsib O for ensuing that its Principals we not suspended, <br />debsrtad, orotharwise Ineligible to participate in covered <br />earsaclons. To vedfy the eliUM(y of is prbwjpals, as wdl as <br />lie *11001y of any lower tier proapediva padicipents, each <br />padkApanimay, M!f is not requked lo, check he Exduded <br />Panes List System wetraile fhIgL1Avww, which s <br />camplod by ltie General Stakes Admnialralio n, <br />P-27 of P-52 <br />