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TABLE EP-2. ECONOMIC PROSPERITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION <br />Agency / <br />Ref # Implementation Action <br />Time Frame <br />GOAL EP-3: Business Friendly Environment <br />Promote a business friendly environment where businesses thrive and build on Santa Ana's strengths and opportunities. <br />Historic and cultural resources. Conduct an outreach program with commercial and industrial brokers focused on <br />CDA CDA <br />3.1 <br />the City's historical and cultural assets and how these assets can be beneficial to businesses and their employees; <br />2021 <br />develop marketing collateral focused on the City's historical and cultural assets. <br />Economic development ombudsman. Pursue funding and establish an ombudsman position in the Economic <br />CDA <br />3.2 <br />Development Division to assist new businesses in navigating the building and permitting processes. <br />2022 <br />Business outreach and retention. Continue to support existing business attraction and retention programs. <br />CDA <br />3.3 <br />Maintain partnerships with the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce and other nonprofit organizations. Continue to <br />Ongoing <br />reach out to national retailers and employers. <br />Business relocation assistance. Continue to promote and market the Recycling Market Development Zone. Develop <br />CDA <br />3.4 <br />a program to assist businesses that want to relocate from functionally obsolete strip commercial locations to new <br />Ongoing <br />distinctive neighborhood commercial districts. <br />Green business incentives. Continue to promote and market the Recycling Market Development Zone. Develop <br />an incentive program to encourage nonpolluting industry and clean green technology companies that reduce <br />CDA <br />1501 <br />environmental impacts and the carbon footprint to locate to the city. Encourage existing businesses to invest in <br />Ongoing <br />technology and best practice to transition to sustainable business practices. <br />Customer service survey. Develop and maintain a customer service survey to evaluate and identify opportunities to <br />CDA/PBA <br />3.6 <br />improve permit and licensing procedures. Train appropriate business counter staff on enhanced customer service <br />2022 <br />methods for the public. <br />software upgrade. Upgrade permit processing software to streamline review, allow the submission of electronic <br />PBA <br />3.7 <br />applications, reduce costs, and monitor processing time. <br />2022 <br />Promote gathering spaces. Develop the role of the Arts and Culture Division of the Community Development <br />CDA/PBA <br />3.8 <br />Agency to coordinate various arts, culture, and historical programs that promote creative gathering spaces and <br />On -going <br />experiences in Santa Ana. <br />Marketing strategy. Pursue funding and develop and maintain a branding and marketing strategy and materials <br />CDA. <br />3.9 <br />to promote Santa Ana and maximize the effectiveness of the City's communication materials, website, and urban <br />2023 <br />placemaking elements. <br />Business license. Consider reduction of business tax assessmentto support small businesses in the city and <br />CDA/Finance <br />3.10 <br />coordinate voter approval as needed. <br />I Ongoing <br />GOAL EP-4: <br />Economic Development <br />Promote <br />strategies that create an economic development mindset integrated throughout City Hall. <br />Economic development training. Each year, provide budget funds for at least one staff member and one elected or <br />CDA <br />4.1 <br />appointed official to attend an economic development training program through the California Association for Local <br />Ongoing <br />Economic Development or a similar program. <br />Business outreach. Conduct a monthly business breakfast workshop with a different sector of the local economy or <br />a different geographic area each month in order for elected officials and senior staff to keep businesses apprised of <br />CDA <br />4.2 <br />what Santa Ana is doing for economic development and to hear directly from local businesses about the advantages <br />Ongoing <br />and challenges of operating a business in the city. <br />Notes: <br />CDA - Community Development Agency CMO - City Manager's Office <br />PBA - Planning and Building Agency PWA - Public Works Agency <br />PD - Police Department <br />® associated with environmental justice policies <br />^11CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />HR- Human Resources Department <br />PRCSA - Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency <br />