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TABLE EP-2. ECONOMIC PROSPERITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION <br />Agency / <br />Ref # <br />Implementation Action <br />Time Frame <br />Living wagejobs. Prepare and regularly update a living wage calculation for Santa Ana; prepare and regularly update <br />1.7 <br />a list of the types of businesses in which the average wage is above a living wage for Santa Ana; incorporate this <br />CDA <br />information into the City's business incentives program. <br />2022 <br />Workforce development for City residents. Provide an informational program —including an annual public <br />workshop, information on the City's website, and printed collateral —to inform the public about available training, <br />CDA <br />1.8 <br />education, and assistance for employment skills and workforce preparation; partner with Santa Ana Unified School <br />2022 & <br />District, the chambers of commerce, and community organizations to make this information widely available <br />annually <br />throughout the community. <br />Retail attraction. Conduct an annual retail market demand analysis to identify types of stores for which the city <br />1.9 <br />leaks retail spending; focus market efforts on these types of business; incorporate a focus on these types of <br />CDA CDA <br />businesses into the City's business assistance and business incentive programs. <br />2023 <br />1.10 <br />Creative class. Develop and implement programs to celebrate arts and culture and to promote the works of local <br />CDA <br />artists; develop marketing collateral for artists and creative industries businesses. <br />Ongoing <br />1.11 <br />Employ local initiative. Continue to support local initiatives like worker cooperatives and develop a package of <br />CDA <br />business incentives like reduced business license fees to encourage Santa Ana businesses to hire local residents. <br />2021 <br />1.12 <br />Tourism action. Assist in the planning and strategic use of public -private partnerships to develop new permanent <br />CDA <br />facilities and attractions through the implementation of a tourism marketing district. <br />2021 <br />Promote development opportunities. Maintain updated inventory of citywide vacant properties. Continue to <br />1.13 <br />promote these opportunities and incentives like the City's Opportunity Zone to the broker and development <br />CDA <br />community to develop into commercial and residential projects beneficial to the sales and property tax base of the <br />Ongoing <br />City. <br />Foster Development through Financing Assistance. Utilize economic financing tools such as enhanced <br />infrastructure financing districts, community revitalization investment authorities, and the Statewide Community <br />CDA <br />1.14 <br />Infrastructure Program to finance economic development and infrastructure projects that provide community -wide <br />2023 <br />benefits. <br />GOAL EP-2: <br />Maintain <br />Diverse Economic Base <br />and enhance the diversity and regional significance the base. <br />of city's economic <br />Business attraction. Participate in state and national economic development organizations. Attend trade shows and <br />2.1 <br />market Santa Ana to high -growth business clusters for Orange County, consistent with the Economic Development <br />CDA <br />Strategic Plan. <br />Ongoing <br />2.2 <br />Business incubator. Explore the feasibility of establishing a business incubator/business accelerator in Santa Ana. <br />CDA <br />2022 <br />2.3 <br />Green business recruitment. Conduct a study to identifythe types of green businesses best suited to a Santa Ana <br />CDA <br />business location; market the city to these types of businesses. <br />2022 <br />Communication Technology. Partner with public and private enterprises to facilitate communication technology, <br />2.4 <br />such as fiber optics, to address current and future technology needs relative to available resources and ensure that <br />PWA <br />the city maintains a competitive business environment. <br />Ongoing <br />2.5 <br />Wireless Telecommunication. Update the local Wireless Telecommunication Design Guidelines to incorporate best <br />PWA <br />industry practices, consistencywith federal requirements, and community considerations. <br />2021 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN �F n .6.•• <br />