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IMPLEMENTATION <br />An implementation plan is a coordinated series of <br />actions the City desires to take in the future that <br />are intended to advance, over the long term, the <br />City's Shared Vision, Core Values, and the General <br />Plan goals and policies. An implementation plan is <br />thus a follow-up measure for this element. Taken as <br />a whole, these programs represent the City's best <br />thinking today on what actions should be taken to <br />address the considerations and concerns of the <br />community and make sure that the plan's aspirations <br />are achieved. <br />Implementation is in large part contingent upon <br />adequate funding. Many of these actions can be <br />pursued through initiatives already underway. <br />TABLE M-4. MOBILITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION <br />Other programs will require additional resources. <br />Therefore, the exact mix and timing of programs the <br />City may pursue will in part be opportunity driven, <br />dependent on the availability of funding, staffing, <br />and other necessary resources. The Time Frame in <br />the Implementation Table below is the target for <br />completion of the Action. <br />This element may be implemented by amendments <br />to existing plans, ordinances, development standards <br />and design guidelines; capital investments/projects; <br />and interagency/interjurisdictional coordination. <br />The following table identifies the implementation <br />action, the responsible City agency, and targeted <br />timeline for accomplishment. <br />Agency / <br />Ref q <br />Implementation Action <br />Time Frame <br />GOAL M-1: <br />k1A comprehensive <br />Comprehensive Circulation <br />circulation system that facilitates the safe and efficient movement of people, enhances commerce, and promotes <br />a <br />'sustainable <br />community. <br />Cross -agency collaboration. Coordinate with external agencies to address the impacts of new regional <br />PWA <br />1.1 <br />transportation projects on the local network and accommodate complete street practices. <br />Ongoing <br />MPAH. Coordinate with external agencies to ensure the OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways accommodates <br />PWA <br />1.2 <br />current and future demand for all users. <br />2021-2035 <br />1.3 <br />Complete streets design. Update the City's standard plans to include complete streets design strategies. <br />PWA <br />2025 <br />1.4 <br />Reduce collisions. Minimize parking from arterial streets to reduce vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian conflicts. <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />1.5 <br />Capital Improvement Program. Prepare the annual Capital Improvement Program that corresponds with the City's <br />PWA <br />general plan goals and implementation actions. <br />Annually <br />1.6 <br />Asset Management database. Explore the benefits of an asset management database to coordinate ongoing <br />PWA <br />maintenance of streets, parkway and the public realm. <br />Ongoing <br />Transportation network safety. Continue ITS to provide enhanced safety and efficiency features on the <br />PWA <br />1.7 <br />transportation network, including traffic signal synchronization. <br />Ongoing <br />Impact fees. Secure development impact fees and dedications for project -related transportation improvements <br />PWA <br />1.8 during City review and approval processes. <br />2021-2035 <br />GOAL M-2: Regional Mobility <br />Integrated system of travelways that connects the City to the region, employment centers, and key destinations, making Santa <br />Ana the <br />leader in regional transportation. <br />Cross -agency planning. Work with OCTA and regional transportation agencies on the Long -Range Transportation <br />PWA/PBA- <br />2.1 <br />Plan and to expand bus and rail transit services, particularly transit priority corridors. <br />Ongoing <br />2.2 <br />Cross -agency coordination. Coordinate with OCTA and transportation agencies to identify a funding, operation, and <br />PWA <br />maintenance plan for the OC Streetcar. <br />Ongoing <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN �� r r .�..•• <br />