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TABLE M-4. MOBILITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION <br />Agency / <br />Ref p <br />Implementation Action <br />Time Frame <br />2.3 <br />Bus turnouts. Construct bus turnouts on arterial streets according to OCTA design standards. <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />Freeway improvement projects. Participate in Caltrans Advisory Working Groups freeway improvement projects to <br />PWA <br />2.4 <br />evaluate benefits and impacts to the Santa Ana local streets. <br />Ongoing <br />Grade separation. Pursue implementation of grade separation between rail crossings and roadways at Santa Ana <br />PWA <br />2.5 <br />Boulevard, Seventeenth Street, and Grand Avenue. <br />2022-2035 <br />PWA/PBA/ <br />2.6 <br />Regional transit planning. Develop the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) Master Plan. <br />CDA <br />2022-2035 <br />Wayfinding program. Refine the City's wayfinding signage program to direct travelers to activity centers, Downtown, <br />PWA <br />2.7 <br />and Civic Center. <br />2022-2035 <br />GOAL M-3: <br />A safe, balanced, <br />centers, <br />Active Transportation <br />and integrated network of travelways for normotorized modes of transportation that connects people to <br />inspiring healthy and active life5tyles. <br />activity <br />Active transportation planning. Develop and pursue implementation of a comprehensive active transportation <br />PWA <br />3.1 <br />plan. <br />2022-2035 <br />Circulation connectivity. Close the Golden Loop network between Memory Lane and Santiago Creek and between <br />PWA/PRCSA <br />3.2 <br />Santiago Park and Lincoln Avenue/Santiago Street. <br />Ongoing <br />Pedestrian accessibility. Implement the City ADA Transition Plan to cost-effectively enhance pedestrian accessibility, <br />PWA <br />3.3 <br />with guidance from the Sidewalk Connectivity Plan, <br />Ongoing <br />3.4. <br />Pedestrian opportunity zones. Prepare public realm plans in pedestrian opportunity zones. <br />PWA/PBA <br />2022-2035 <br />Safe routes to schools and parks. Develop and pursue implementation of a Safe Routes to School Plan and a Safe <br />PWA/PRCSA <br />3.5® <br />Routes to Parks Plan. <br />Ongoing <br />Drinkingwater access. Create a network of public water fountains / bottle fill stations that promote the City's <br />PWA <br />3.6 <br />award -winning water, conservation, and substitution of bottled water for affordable public drinking water, <br />2022-2035 <br />• <br />Coordinated <br />broader <br />Design <br />transportation planning efforts with land use and design strategies that encourage sustainable development and <br />community goals. <br />achieve <br />PBA <br />Municipal Code update. Amend the code to require parking studies to evaluate requests for parking reductions in <br />4.1 <br />all development projects. <br />2024 <br />Downtown transportation planning. Prepare comprehensive Downtown transportation and parking management <br />PWA/PBA/ <br />4.2 <br />plan that involves Downtown stakeholders and addresses downtown activity, economic growth, and operational <br />CDA 2025 <br />improvements. <br />Downtown transportation improvements. Study the Downtown parking structure facilities, involving Downtown <br />CDA/PWA <br />4.3 <br />stakeholders, to identify potential operational improvements and monitor the program. <br />2025 <br />Residential parking. Reevaluate the Residential Permit Parking Program to ensure it complies with state law and <br />PWA <br />4 4 <br />best practices. <br />Ongoing <br />Citywide Design Guidelines update. Update the Citywide Design Guidelines to strengthen pedestrian and cyclist <br />PBA/PWA <br />4.5® <br />linkages to development centers and residential neighborhoods and coordinate on -site landscape with public realm <br />2022-2027 <br />landscaping. <br />Safe travelways. Provide City interagency review of physical improvements and related design standards within <br />PWA <br />4Z <br />travelways and the public realm. <br />Ongoing <br />Bike parking and amenities. Update the City bike parking ordinance to require new major development to provide <br />PBA <br />4.7 <br />long-term bike locker parking and amenities, and incentives for inclusion in existing development. <br />2022-2027 ` <br />lo, <br />to rr .g..,• CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />