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TABLE M-4. MOBILITY ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION <br />Agency / <br />Ref # <br />Implementation Action <br />Time Frame <br />4.8 <br />Ensure safety. Utilize the City's project review processes to identify and maintain landscaped setbacks along public <br />PWA <br />rights -of -way. <br />Ongoing <br />4.9 <br />Trip reduction. Continue to evaluate alternative trip reduction program best practices for City employees, and <br />HR <br />implement a program that is cost-effective. <br />Ongoing <br />4.10 <br />Vehicle miles traveled. Maintain vehicle miles traveled (VMT) guidelines in compliance with SB 743. <br />PWA/PBA <br />Ongoing <br />4.11 <br />Cross -agency coordination. Maintain ongoing coordination of land use and transportation impacts through joint <br />PWA <br />powers authority agreements with adjacent jurisdictions. <br />Ongoing <br />4.12 <br />School partnerships. Pursue partnerships with local school districts to improve coordination of review process for <br />PWA/PD <br />new and rehabilitated school facility improvements, to promote safe and well -designed student pick-up/drop-off. <br />Ongoing <br />GOAL M-5: <br />A transportation <br />Sustainable Transportation <br />system that is attractive, safe, state-of-the-art, and supports community, environmental, and conservation <br />goals. <br />5A <br />Safe travelways. Continue design practices that facilitate the safe use of the travelways. <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />5.2 <br />Street designs. Participate in state and regional transportation agency forums to affect policies for universal street <br />PWA <br />design standards to ensure standards are user friendly, cost-effective, and sustainable. <br />Ongoing <br />5.3 <br />Street improvements. Incorporate low impact development (LID) strategies to infiltrate, treat, or harvest urban <br />PWA <br />stormwater runoff in street improvement projects. <br />Ongoing <br />Municipal/development code update. Update the City's design standards and municipal codes regarding <br />\ 5.4 <br />landscaping and amenities in the public realm and street parkways, to promote aesthetically pleasing and <br />PWA PWA <br />1 <br />sustainable corridors. <br />2025 <br />5.5 <br />Tree preservation. Re-evaluate the City's street tree maintenance and preservation programs to ensure fiscal <br />PWA <br />sustainalaility and aesthetically pleasing trees over the longterm. <br />2022-2035 <br />5.6 <br />Traffic calming. Develop or update neighborhood traffic management plans to facilitate traffic calming measures <br />PWA <br />appropriate and reasonable for the area. <br />Ongoing <br />5.7 <br />Parking management strategies. Evaluate parking management strategies, such as parking assessment districts, to <br />CDA <br />facilitate parking in areas programmed for future development. <br />2022 <br />Air quality improvements. Participate in inter -jurisdictional efforts to promote improvements in air quality and to <br />PBA/PWA <br />5.8® <br />meet state and federal mandates through advanced technology and TOM programs. <br />2021-2035 <br />Rail service. Coordinate with rail and transit service providers to address aesthetics, ongoing maintenance, safety, <br />PWA <br />5'9 <br />and noise concerns along rail corridors. <br />Ongoing <br />g g <br />5.10 <br />Street medians. Complete construction of medians on major arterial streets. <br />PWA <br />2022-2035 <br />5.11 <br />Underground utilities program. Continue to implement the program to underground utilities on arterial streets. <br />PWA <br />2022-2035 <br />Transportation network. Provide upkeep of the City's transportation network based upon an established <br />PWA <br />5.12 <br />maintenance schedule. <br />Ongoing <br />Notes: <br />CDA -Community Development Agency CMO- City Manager's Office HR- Human Resources Department <br />PBA - Planning and Building Agency PWA - Public Works Agency PRCSA - Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency <br />PD - Police Department <br />m associated with environmental justice policies <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN t�rr.1..•• <br />