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RELATED GENERAL PLAN POLICIES <br />Each policy in the City of Santa Ana General Plan <br />is listed under the most related goal and element. <br />Some policies, however, also reinforce other goals <br />housed in different elements. <br />To provide a more complete picture of all of the <br />policies that support the goals of this element, Table <br />EP-1 lists each Economic Prosperity goal in the far <br />TABLE EP-1. RELATED GENERAL PLAN POLICIES <br />left column and, in columns to the right, identifies <br />related policy numbers from other elements. <br />Goal EP-1, for example, is supported not only by the <br />policies listed in this element (EP-1.1 through EP- <br />4.6), but also by Policy CM-2.5 in the Community <br />Element and three policies in the Land Use Element. <br />Volume 1 <br />Volume 2 <br />Volume 3 <br />Services & Infrastructure <br />Natural Environment <br />Built Environment <br />Economic Prosperity Goals <br />EP-1: Job Creation and Retention <br />Foster a dynamic local economy that <br />W-2.1 <br />provides and creates employment <br />CM-2.5 - - <br />- - - - <br />W-2.2 - - - <br />opportunities for all residents in the <br />W-2.7 <br />city. <br />EP-2: Diverse Economic Base <br />An integrated system of travelways <br />W-1.8 <br />that connects the city to the region, <br />CN-1.10 <br />W-1.10 <br />employment centers, and key <br />- <br />- - <br />CN-1.13 <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />W-2.4 <br />LU-2.6 <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />destinations, making Santa Ana the <br />leader in regional transportation. <br />EP-3: Business Friendly Environment <br />Promote a business friendly <br />CM-1.6 <br />W-2.5 <br />environment where businesses thrive <br />CM-1.8 <br />- - <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />- <br />W-2.8 <br />HE-2.1 <br />HP-2.5 <br />and build on Santa Ana's strengths and <br />CM-1.11 <br />W-3.4 <br />opportunities. <br />EP-4: Economic Development <br />Strategies <br />Promote strategies that create an <br />economic development mindset <br />integrated throughout City Hall. <br />Notes: <br />CM. Community Element CN: Conservation Element <br />M: Mobility Element OS: Open Space Element <br />EP: Economic Prosperity Element N: Noise Element <br />PS: Public Services Element S: Safety Element <br />LU. Land Use Element <br />HE. Housing Element <br />HP: Historic Preservation Element <br />UD: Urban Design Element <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN t� rr .g..• <br />