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All payments to be made by the Customer to the Supplier under this Agreement will (in the <br />absence of express written agreement from the Supplier) be made in full without any set- <br />off, restriction or condition and without any deduction or withholding for or on account of <br />any counterclaim or any present or future taxes, levies, duties, charges, fees, deductions or <br />withholdings of any nature unless the Customer is required by law to make any such <br />deduction or withholding and Customer has given prior notification to Supplier of such legal <br />obligations on the Customer's part. <br />27 ENFORCEMENT BY THIRD PARTIES <br />The terms and conditions of this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the parties and <br />nothing herein will be construed as giving any rights to any person or party not a party to <br />It. <br />281 NVALI DITY/SEVERABILITY <br />If any clause or part of this Agreement is found by any court, tribunal, administrative body <br />or authority of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable then that <br />provision will, to the extent required, be severed from this Agreement and will be <br />ineffective without, as far as is possible, modifying any other clause or part of this <br />Agreement and this will not affect any other provisions of this Agreement which will remain <br />in full force and effect. <br />29 VARIATION <br />This Agreement may only be varied or amended in writing and signed by the parties or their <br />authorized representatives of each of the parties. <br />30WAIVER <br />No failure or delay by the Supplier to exercise any right, power or remedy will operate as a <br />waiver of it nor will any partial exercise preclude any further exercise of the same, or of <br />some other right, power or remedy. <br />31 DISPUTE RESOLUTION <br />31.1If a dispute arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or the performance, <br />validity or enforceability of it ("Dispute") then, except as expressly provided in this <br />Agreement, the parties shall follow the dispute resolution procedure set out in this <br />clause 32. <br />31.2The parties will initially seek to resolve the Dispute through discussion and negotiation <br />in good faith between the appropriate officers of the parties. If the Dispute is not <br />resolved, through discussion and negotiation underthis section, within thirty (30) days <br />(or such alternative time period as may be agreed between the Parties), the following <br />procedure will apply:- <br />32GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION <br />32.1The formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects <br />whatsoever of this Agreement or of any term of this Agreement will be governed by <br />the laws of the State of California. <br />32.2The courts of Orange County will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes <br />which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement. The parties irrevocably <br />