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Exhibit 1 <br />SANTA ANXS PARK AND RECREATION SYSTEM <br />The City of Santa Ana's park and recreation <br />system collectively refers to the City's <br />recreation spaces, infrastructure and <br />resources that are managed, maintained <br />and programmed for recreation or park use. <br />Currently, this system is managed by the Parks, <br />Recreation and Community Services Agency <br />(PRCSA). Park maintenance responsibilities are <br />anticipated to transition to the Public Works <br />Department in Fiscal Year 2022-2023. <br />THE PARK SYSTEM <br />The park system describes the lands and facilities <br />provided by City of Santa Ana to support <br />recreation. There are three different types of <br />lands managed as part of this park system: <br />• City Parkland: These publicly accessible sites <br />and green spaces are owned and managed <br />by the City of Santa Ana to support recreation <br />and social gathering (or were acquired for this <br />purpose). <br />• Joint -use Sites: Owned by other agencies, <br />Joint -Use Sites are managed or maintained <br />by the City of Santa Ana through a joint - <br />use agreement to increase access and <br />opportunities for fitness and recreation. <br />Examples include school sports fields and <br />other facilities owned by the School District. <br />• Trail Corridors: These linear corridors with <br />off-street trails support recreation, non - <br />motorized transportation, and bicycle and <br />pedestrian access to parks. These may be <br />located in street rights -of -way, flood control <br />channels, or lands owned by other entities. <br />(Note: Additional classes of on -street trails <br />and bikeways are managed separately as part <br />of the City's transportation system.) <br />The entire park system includes 371 acres of <br />City parkland at 54 sites, supplemented by 32 <br />acres at 9 joint -use sites, and approximately 13 <br />miles of off-street trails. Each of these elements <br />are also considered part of the City's open <br />space network. To distinguish parkland from <br />open space and landscaped areas, the following <br />are defined: <br />• Landscaped Areas: Landscaped Areas are <br />a type of open space that is maintained for <br />community aesthetics and beautification, but <br />not for park use. These may include medians, <br />street rights -of -way, gateways, public grounds <br />around buildings, etc. <br />• Open Space: Open space encompasses <br />recreational and green spaces, including <br />parks, commercial open space, vacant lands, <br />manicured landscaped areas, trail corridors, <br />water channels and rail infrastructure.' Not <br />all open space areas are suitable for use as <br />parkland. <br />City Council — 28 <br />This definition is consistent with the General Plan land use designation description of Open Space, page LU-20. <br />i <br />CITY PARKLAND <br />The City of Santa Ana classifies and categorizes parks <br />to distinguish them by their function. Classifications <br />consider site size, use, service area, as well as <br />available amenities and facilities. The categorization <br />helps the City make decisions about development, <br />improvements, park maintenance and programming <br />based on the intent and level of use each park site. <br />Santa Ana's parks are classified in four categories, <br />which are further subdivided into eight types of parks. <br />5/17/2022 <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 2: PARK SYSTEM OVERVIEW <br />