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Exhibit 1 <br />COMMUNITY -SERVING PARKS <br />Community -serving parks provide recreation opportunities for all or a substantial portion <br />of the Santa Ana community. Santa Ana has two types of community -serving parks: <br />Centennial Park Lake (Citywide Park) <br />Citywide Parks are Santa Ana's largest parks. <br />Typically, more than 15 acres in size, these sites <br />provide major recreation facilities, cultural venues <br />and natural areas that serve as destinations <br />for events, programs and activities, attracting <br />visitors from across the entire city and beyond. <br />Typical facilities and features include recreation <br />centers, amphitheaters, swimming pools, <br />sports courts and fields, skate parks, lakes, <br />trails and trailheads, destination playgrounds <br />and group picnic areas. In addition to a variety <br />of support facilities, citywide parks may also <br />include concessions, reservable facilities or other <br />revenue -generating activities and infrastructure. <br />Campesino Park (Community Park) <br />Community Parks are mid -size parks, typically <br />5 to 10 acres in size, which support sports and <br />group gatherings for several neighborhoods <br />or a portion of the city. Typical facilities <br />include sports fields and courts, small group <br />picnic areas, and specialized or unique <br />facilities such as swimming pools, recreation/ <br />community centers and senior centers that <br />NEIGHBORHOOD -SERVING PARKS <br />Neighborhood -serving parks provide close -to - <br />home recreation opportunities. Currently, Santa <br />Ana offers only one type of neighborhood park <br />defined below. <br />Mariposa Park (Neighborhood Park) <br />3 <br />OTHER PARKS AND FACILITIES <br />The City provides three other types of open <br />space to support recreation and community <br />aesthetics: <br />Garfield Fitness Park (Pocket Park) <br />Pocket Parks are small sites, typically less than <br />1 acre, which provide green space, passive <br />social space, and in some cases a small-scale <br />recreation feature. <br />Urban Plazas are small parks with hardscape <br />and green space that provide social gathering <br />opportunities in urban and commercial areas. <br />Special Use Facilities are sites that support <br />stand-alone major recreation facilities not <br />located within a larger park. These facilities <br />are typically fee -based and are only open <br />when programmed or reserved for use. Their <br />hours of operation and public use are limited. <br />a Zoo, stadium <br />City Council 14 — 29 and tennis cel`��rl.7/2022 <br />support programming. Community parks <br />typically include on -site parking, restrooms and <br />similar support amenities for longer site visits. <br />However, these sites typically have less variety <br />and less green space than larger citywide parks. <br />Neighborhood Parks are small parks, typically <br />1 to 5 acres in size, intended to serve nearby <br />neighbors. These sites provide small-scale <br />opportunities for play, picnicking and leisure <br />activities for residents that live within walking <br />or biking distance. Typical facilities include <br />playgrounds, picnic tables and open lawn areas. <br />Sports fields, sports courts and trailheads also <br />may be located within neighborhood parks to <br />provide opportunities for local recreation. <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 2: PARK SYSTEM OVERVIEW <br />