Laserfiche WebLink
Exhibit 1 <br />OUTREACH <br />FIGURE 3-1: PARKS MASTER PLAN POSTER <br />The PMP website served as the digital home <br />Community ambassadors served an important— <br />for information on the Parks Master Plan. It <br />role in the community outreach process. <br />contained an overview of the planning process, <br />These ambassadors helped to create a <br />Let's talk about ways <br />links to the survey, fact sheets, plan documents, <br />trusting relationship with underserved groups <br />to improve our parks! <br />information about meetings and events, and FAQs. <br />in Santa Ana. Ambassadors connected with <br />A number of outreach methods were employed <br />a diverse array of group types. Ambassadors <br />", <br />iHoblemos de maneras de mejorar <br />to inform community members of the PMP and <br />were individuals that represented 24 <br />' <br />nuestros parques! <br />engagement opportunities, including: <br />community and youth serving organizations. <br />In addition to communicating the PMP <br />Hdy ban ve cdch cdi thien tong Mn <br />• Email blasts <br />information to their respective groups, they <br />`= <br />do chdng tol <br />• Press releases <br />reached two neighborhood groups, two city <br />• Social media — Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor <br />facilities groups, four school districts, nine„ <br />./ <br />e <br />• Announcements during City Council meetings <br />schools, three local businesses, and 22 sports <br />� <br />' • - - <br />organizations. All organizations, including <br />�- <br />• Flyers at City Hallpublic libraries, community <br />y y , p �' <br />those affiliated with the Ambassadors, utilized <br />• • <br />centers, and downtown businesses <br />their email databases to send out email blasts <br />• Utility bill inserts <br />about the parks survey. To incentivize survey <br />individuals were entered into a <br />❑' ❑' 10 00 <br />• Transit stop posters <br />participation, <br />drawing. <br />• Electronic billboards <br />$50 prize <br />• Newsletters <br />• Channel 3 news promotion <br />■SANTA ANA PARKS, FACILITIES, TRAILS & OPEN SPACE <br />TAKE THE SURVEY! <br />Tell us how we can make parks, trails, and recreation activities better for you, your family, and our entire community. <br />The survey is open to ages 12 and over. Anyone who completes it is eligible to enter a drawing fora $50 gift card. I■, <br />For a paper copy, pleaCjf''tyqCf6flnacommunityrenterorcallthisphonenumber:(714)571-4292. <br />These were placed on bus shelters and in many City facilities to advertise the survey. <br />FIGURE 3-2: A TRILINGUAL UTILITY INSERT TO ADVERTISE THE SURVEY <br />PLAn MAESTRO DE PARQUES <br />MARQUES, INSTALACIONES, SENDEROS YES PACIOABIERTO DE SANTA ANA <br />iPAUICIPE EN NUE91M ENC MA! <br />Watenoscomo patients mejorarlos parques, sendemsyactividades mcna6m pan usted,su fanilia ytoda nuestra mnuaidad. <br />La encuesn est5 abierta a mayores de t2 anox Cualquiem que to complete eselegible pam patticipar en un wneo de una tarjeta de regalo de $50. <br />Nm obtener una copia impre*vishe su Centro comundario local de Santa Ana o flame a este nina m de telefonn:(714)571-4292. <br />eayisurrre:uorih'gs: <br />At Apt <br />KE HOACK TOnG THE COnG VIEn <br />M CONG VIEN, TIEN ICH, DUfJNG WIN & KHONG GIAN Md <br />M i I <br />HAY THAM GIA mAO SAT! <br />bidyl Sum Chun n. Cuoc khan sat nayg Snhc 9 9 ita II s.Bat ohs nth6nhtansat 6d6 di Win than <br />is <br />SiParl QQ gdanh Cho nguditvl2tuoi trb'Ien.BSt ky ai ho5nth5nh kh5o sat deu du dieu kien Nam giar <br />1 °'} JU pe'ctibdnsao gi6y, vuildn den trun Mat cnn don Santa Ana tai diaphuang cua quyvih0pc9ais0`:(714)571-4292. <br />bA,lylSdGuHONe(ong <br />WSANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 3: SANTA ANA COMMUNITY <br />