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Exhibit 1 <br />EMERGING THEMES <br />SAFE AND INCLUSIVE <br />Santa Ana community members value safe, clean, and welcoming park facilities for all. <br />While many topics arose across the <br />Community members identified safety in Santa Ana parks and facilities as a priority. <br />multiple engagement activities, a few <br />Input received through the community engagement for the PMP, General Plan Update <br />key themes emerged as important <br />and Revive Santa Ana expressed thoughts about personal safety at public parks. The <br />to the future of parks for Santa Ana <br />community supports improvements and interventions to improve the user experience at <br />residents. This is not an exhaustive list <br />all Santa Ana Parks. Residents envision appropriate lighting and activation at existing and <br />of all feedback but shows cross cutting <br />all future park facilities. While monitoring and enforcement of park rules was identified <br />themes from the PIMP survey, advisory <br />as important, there is a strong desire to establish alternatives to policing such as <br />group, commission meetings, and <br />establishing a park ranger program. In addition, keeping parks well maintained will make <br />staff meetings: <br />them more inviting and increase the sense of safety. <br />• Safe and inclusive <br />Parks should feel welcoming, safe, and inclusive to all Santa Ana community members <br />• Diverse parks and green spaces <br />— families, youth, seniors, users with different abilities, and the unhoused. Respondents <br />across all outreach activities expressed concerns about unhoused individuals in parks. There <br />• Dynamic programming <br />was a clear message that care should be taken to treat unhoused residents with respect and <br />• Equitable <br />prioritize community -oriented programs and services to meet the needs of this population. <br />• Green connections <br />• Community culture and identity <br />• Youth engagement and development <br />• Health and wellness <br />• Partnerships <br />14-41 <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />FIGURE 3.3 How would you rate parks in Santa Ana on each of the following: <br />Cleanliness 30.7% E <br />Fun 19.5% 1 j% <br />Safety 17.0% 2r'/o <br />0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% <br />■ Very Poor ■ Poor ■ Neither poor nor good Good ■ Very Good <br />FIGURE 3-4 What would make parks even better for you and your family? <br />More frequent cleaning, mowing, etc. 60.3% <br />anitiac or facilities in hattar ronditinn 59.0% <br />5/17/2022 <br />CHAPTER 3: SANTA ANA COMMUNITY <br />