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STAFF AND ADVISORY GROUP ENGAGEMENT <br />As part of the PMP engagement process the PMP team met with an advisory group, multiple <br />city commissions, and attended staff meetings. Each of these bodies serves a distinct role in the <br />community and addresses different needs. It was important to engage this array of groups to <br />better understand how parks are currently functioning in Santa Ana and the vision for the future. <br />PARKS MASTER PLAN ADVISORY <br />GROUP <br />To ensure that the Plan addresses the <br />diverse needs of the Santa Ana community, <br />the PMP Advisory Group included liaisons <br />to the Parks, Recreation, and Community <br />Services Commission, Youth Commission, <br />Planning Commission, Community <br />Development Commission, and Arts & <br />Culture Commission, and key community <br />partners. The group was charged with <br />providing policy guidance and direction for <br />the planning process. The PMP team met <br />with the Advisory Group three times during <br />the planning process to receive direction <br />on engagement opportunities, key issues <br />for the PMP to address, as well as goals and <br />ke ;n;t at; es for the f t re The Ad ;— <br />PARKS, RECREATION AND COMMUNITY <br />SERVICES COMMISSION <br />The PMP team met with the Commission in the <br />spring of 2021 to gather feedback on the planning <br />process and hear from the committee about their <br />future vision, opportunities and challenges, and <br />the most pressing needs for Santa Ana parks, <br />facilities and programs. The Commission, along <br />with the Advisory Group, also reviewed the Draft <br />Parks Master Plan to help refine this document <br />into its final form. <br />YOUTH COMMISSION <br />The Santa Ana Youth Commission engages <br />residents from 7th to 12th grade in advising the <br />City Council on matters related to youth and <br />teen services and programs including Parks and <br />Recreation services. The PMP team met with the <br />ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION <br />The Arts and Culture Commission advises <br />Santa Ana City Council on the development <br />and improvement of arts and cultural activities, <br />promotes arts and cultural excellence as a tool for <br />economic development, encourages public art <br />pieces, encourages employment of local artists, <br />and promotes activities that celebrate the city <br />and its cultural heritage. The PMP team met with <br />the Arts Commission in summer of 2021 and <br />discussed how they would describe the arts and <br />culture in Santa Ana's parks and how arts and <br />culture could be enhanced. <br />COMMUNICATION LINKAGE FORUM <br />(COM-LINK) <br />PARKS MASTER PLAN LEADERSHIP TEAM <br />The PRCSA leadership team met multiple times <br />throughout the planning process to provide direction, <br />coordinate with the General Plan update, and ensure <br />the PMP reflects City and community needs. <br />RECREATION DIVISION STAFF MEETING <br />The Recreation Division Staff provide recreation <br />programs and services to the Santa Ana Community. <br />During the July 2021 meeting the PMP team <br />presented the PMP development process, discussed <br />recreation and community services strengths <br />and challenges, documented division needs and <br />resources, and identified top priorities to address in <br />the Parks Master Plan. <br />The Com-Link Forum works on exchanging ideas MAINTENANCE & FACILITIES DIVISION <br />g g STAFF MEETING <br />between neighborhoods and community leaders <br />yi ii ro uu w ry <br />Group, along with the PRCS Commission, <br />Youth Commission in June of 2021 to present the <br />with the goal of improving life in Santa Ana. Over <br />Maintenance and Facilities Staff handle the caretaking <br />also reviewed the Draft Parks Master Plan to <br />PMP and gather feedback from the committee on <br />60 Santa Ana Neighborhood associations are <br />and management of City parks. The PMP team held <br />help refine this document into its final form. <br />their vision for City parks, facilities, and trails and <br />represented. The PMP team met with the Com- <br />a meeting with the Parks Services & Facilities Division <br />identify youth needs and opportunities. <br />Link Forum in spring of 2021 to present the PMP <br />Staff in July 2021 to introduce the PMP, discuss <br />and discussed ways in which Parks and Recreation <br />maintenance opportunities and challenges, and begin <br />rr++c;e�eee;�eteepbee�rja-i,ate <br />to rinriimant maintananra rn artires and needs. <br />City Council <br />14 — 40 <br />playgrounds, picnic tables, and shade structures. <br />5/17/2022 <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 3: SANTA ANA COMMUNITY <br />