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Exhibit 1 <br />DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING <br />Diversify recreation opportunities and facilities to support community gathering and <br />a variety of recreation programs. <br />Community members prioritized opening more park facilities throughout the city to increase <br />access to active recreation, education opportunities and life-long learning, and access to <br />nature. Park and recreation facilities should respond to the needs of the entire Santa Ana <br />community by providing opportunities related to diverse activities and uses such as sports <br />and fitness, art, music and performance, health and nutrition education, wildlife education, <br />gardening, food distribution, and homeless outreach services. <br />Many community members called for public events that celebrate the culture of Santa Ana <br />including exhibits, competitions, movies, garden days, parades, and local art showcases. Such <br />events provide financially accessible ways for Santa Ana residents to connect, socialize, and <br />celebrate their city. <br />FIGURE 3-7 What types of programs and events should be added or expanded in Santa Ana? <br />0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% <br />Special events (i.e. music and movies in the park,... 46.9% <br />Arts, performing arts, and crafts <br />32.3% <br />Adult fitness and wellness classes <br />28.0% <br />Environmental education or nature interpretation <br />27.9% <br />Youth sports <br />26.5% <br />Youth before and after school programs <br />24.5% <br />Enrichment and learning activities <br />23.9% <br />Teen programs or classes <br />22.5% <br />Events to attract visitors to Santa Ana <br />21.1% <br />Senior activities and socials <br />20.5% <br />Adult sports <br />19.0% <br />Activities to bring people downtown <br />18.5% <br />Competitions, races and tournaments <br />18.4% <br />Other 3.3% <br />City Council <br />14-43 <br />EQUITABLE <br />Ensure activities and programs are available and accessible to all Santa Ana residents with <br />intentional outreach made to historically underrepresented groups. <br />Santa Ana community members shared that not all areas of the city have equal access to park space. <br />Some areas of the city have been described as older and poorer with less access to parks and to the <br />programs and activities that parks provide. Bringing programs and activities to Santa Ana residents of <br />all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and resources can help to reach these communities that have been <br />historically underserved and underfunded. <br />Santa Ana residents mentioned specifically needing childcare programs, public library access, study <br />hall spaces, after school programs, summer camps, senior recreation, food services, and health <br />services. Currently, some Santa Ana residents travel to nearby cities to receive these services and <br />access park space which means further barriers for residents who may not have access to cars or the <br />financial means to travel out of the city. For any future projects to truly serve the needs of Santa Ana <br />residents they need to be evaluated and prioritized using an equity lens to reach across the socio- <br />economic spectrum. This means continuing to employ diverse engagement strategies when seeking <br />input for future projects. <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />CHAPTER 3: SANTA ANA COMMUNITY <br />