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Exhibit 1 <br />GREEN CONNECTIONS <br />Creating better connections between parks and green spaces in Santa Ana will not only <br />improve the pedestrian and bicyclist experience but also create more opportunities for <br />experiencing green space throughout the city. <br />Santa Ana has a limited number of parks, but there are opportunities to better connect <br />existing park and green spaces through improved pedestrian and bicycle networks. <br />Community members have mentioned the importance of having safe routes to parks to <br />provide access for residents in park poor areas as well as improve mental and physical <br />health. Improving existing infrastructure to provide safe trails between existing open space <br />was identified a priority. Trails should be multi -purpose and green. Creating a bike lane that <br />is painted green is insufficient. <br />Community members stated that existing trails need to be safe, clean, and maintained. <br />Expanding the trail network will contribute to increasing access to much needed open <br />space. Trails can be used for recreation and open space and can also facilitate community <br />members getting to other park and open space facilities. <br />Shade and native ecological features will bring more green space to the neighborhood <br />level and improve the pedestrian and bike experience. Identifying small public owned <br />underutilized sites can be considered for pocket parks that are accessible at a neighborhood <br />level and can help to bring green space to more community members and can create a <br />network that connects to larger city parks. <br />Figure 3-s: Are more trails, pathways and bike routes needed in Santa Ana? <br />70.0% <br />65.3% <br />60.0% <br />50.0% <br />40.0% <br />30.0% <br />22.8% <br />20.0% <br />11.8% <br />10.0% <br />0.0% <br />No <br />Unsure/don't know Yes <br />Figure 3.9: What type of trail or pathway is most needed in Santa Ana? <br />0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% <br />Paved trails for walking, bicycling, skateboarding, etc. 31.4% <br />Unpaved trails for recreation/exercise (walking, jogging,... 30.1% <br />Nature trails with interpretive signage 24.5% <br />Paths and sidewalks to walk or bike to nearby parks 1 13.2% <br />Bicycle lanes (in the street) � 9.1% <br />Connections to the regional trail system 11.4% <br />Connections to shopping and schools 7.3% <br />Other = 2.3% <br />City Council 14 — 44 5/17/2022 <br />Exhibit A <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 3: SANTA ANA COMMUNITY <br />