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FACILITIES DISTRIBUTION <br />Santa Ana residents should have access to <br />diverse park amenities and facilities, including <br />ones that support active and passive recreation. <br />While the next chapter discusses the number <br />and types of facilities needed, this chapter <br />consider the distribution of major facilities and <br />active recreation facilities to support access to <br />healthy indoor and outdoor recreation spaces. <br />MAJOR FACILITIES <br />Santa Ana provides a mix of recreation <br />and community centers, senior centers, <br />gymnasiums, the zoo, indoor and outdoor <br />swimming pools, sports stadiums, and tennis <br />centers. However, these major facilities are <br />not evenly distributed across the city. As <br />shown in Map 4-4, the City's major recreation <br />facilities are clustered. While more recreation <br />opportunities may be desired to improve <br />access and recreation options, the challenge for <br />major facilities is that they are costly in terms of <br />both capital development and operations. <br />Key Findings and Needs <br />• Only three major recreation facilities are located <br />south of West McFadden Avenue. <br />• Memorial Recreation Center, which includes <br />a community room and pool as well as <br />additional amenities such as restrooms, <br />parking, locker rooms, and office space. <br />• Sandpoint Mini Center, which only provides <br />community meeting space <br />• There is a need for improved distribution <br />of new recreation facilities; location is an <br />important factor to consider if new facilities <br />are added. In the meantime, the City <br />could consider options such as facilitating <br />transportation to existing major recreation <br />facilities from targeted environmental justice <br />communities, where residents are less likely to <br />drive to parks and facilities. <br />• Improvements are needed at several <br />recreation/community Centers, tennis centers, <br />and special use facilities to improve their <br />functionality and continue to attract residents <br />from across the city. While the city's pools were <br />renovated in 2019-2020, they are nearly at the <br />end of their lifecycle. <br />• New facilities or the conversion of existing <br />building to recreation centers may be <br />considered especially in unserved areas. <br />Public/private partnerships (entertainment, <br />hospitality, and mixed -use development) may <br />be considered if an equity partner would furl <br />ongoing operations. <br />0 SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 4: PARK ACCESS, EQUITY AND OPPORTUNITIES a <br />