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cifixhibit 1 <br />INITIATIVE 2: EQUITY, ACCESS, AND <br />ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE <br />Ensure that all residents in Santa Ana have 2.2 Prioritize park provision, programs, <br />equitable access to inclusive parks and healthy and partnerships in park deficient and <br />recreation opportunities that serve all ages, environmental justice areas. (GP) <br />abilities, and unserved or underserved areas in <br />a. Consider a variety of park interventions, <br />the City. <br />illustrated in Map 6-1, to improve access <br />2.1 Distribute parkland to support equitable <br />park access throughout Santa Ana. <br />a. Ensure City residents have access to <br />public or private parks, recreation <br />facilities, or trails in the City of Santa <br />Ana within 10-minute walking and <br />cycling distance of home. (GP) <br />b. Where feasible, strive to provide <br />access to City parkland within a <br />10-minute walk (112 mile) from home. <br />c. Renovate existing pocket parks and <br />develop new pocket parks to provide <br />more neighborhood -serving parks <br />amenities that attract residents from <br />1/2 mile (rather than the current <br />standard of mile). <br />d. Ensure that all new development <br />effectively integrates parks and trails. <br />For new development within park <br />deficient and environmental justice <br />areas, prioritize the creation and <br />dedication of new public parkland over <br />the collection of impact fees. (GP) <br />to parks and recreation opportunities in <br />park deficient and unserved areas. (See <br />also Chapter 4.) <br />b. Prioritize the development of new parks <br />in unserved areas characterized by a <br />"high severity of need." These tend to <br />be environmental justice areas or Land <br />Use Element (LUE) focus areas that are <br />higher density, more diverse, and with <br />a greater proportion of residents living <br />below the poverty level. (See Chapter <br />4.) <br />c. Explore options to acquire land through <br />purchase, land dedication, easements, <br />and land leases that would allow for <br />permanent or temporary use of land for <br />recreational opportunities. (GP) <br />d. Evaluate opportunities to convert City - <br />owned properties, public rights -of -way, <br />and easements for railroads to parkland <br />or trail corridors. (GP) <br />e. Reclaim park resources that are located <br />within park deficient or unserved areas <br />for use as parkland. Examples include <br />Griset Park. <br />Mar�ItlM1d9E <br />i l La. <br />Iri <br />+tJf Rirgrojew �, <br />r•_-,. Y-•------- --� I Parham � ' <br />i IfL •nl j : <br />Rasta Park <br />2p J r sir i <br />l Chp <br />I �amy�sno <br />rJ Hit <br />A0 L(> <br />sal rT„ Y <br />I n1a k <br />0 r•`"-- , J4rana Pad <br />l 4 Awndsa Park <br />7Cmrennial Park <br />I <br />f <br />Adams Pail <br />" U a rM <br />9p ai-�aa ak... 0�1� it <br />{,p�fghe�� ParkIlo <br />r <br />nb <br />Cc�k Pu k IVI <br />C] <br />•, I vM 6c F, ectrit <br />I — Carl Th4Mron <br />. dr <br />Memobal Park <br />��e Park <br />a.0 <br />[■' �Saa�d kiM1ta, <br />�r r <br />R9m9 kwal <br />.Park <br />­6Whi Park <br />fir, <br />MAP 6-1: INTERVENTIONS TO INCREASE ACCESS TO PARKS AND TRAILS <br />Joint -Use Shoot Sites <br />wgard lnterrnediale SOW <br />Q wold Elftenwi Sthgnf <br />d Fdoosevel-WattnrFlenlerliarySchuW <br />MonreVista ElemenuarySthool <br />d Madimn Flemenlaq $dal <br />Q Wiwi Hit Schad <br />Monroe ElementarySi 1 <br />prdc kk't park 5 <br />Q Sarah Map Downie Herb Garden <br />ireadr Parr <br />0 17th Streeildan�e Park <br />10 FaWewTRa* Hah at Aest6raon <br />® kirFiddva TOO Pak <br />® klapleanditdema ExeniseAark <br />ilp WriRe Finm Park <br />rh. , I. <br />Q PWa Calle tuairo <br />4 kss[erPara <br />Cise[{errlieer <br />Speclal IJse Facilities <br />10 SoaArla On at RleRtO Park <br />S<*Ma Wium <br />{abdlolermCenter <br />io Neal MaNndeiTenrnsCemr <br />Legend <br />mPensuatlrcr�er r'6gr �v�a+x lroNmae"WAWm <br />clt"e Park `01kEL Park Parks and Faxdiiz ftvidee by Werl <br />i� Cammunlry Park urban Plaxd Major <br />NerghMoa rhd FUrk `SpEtial Llse Fanllty D.I inaDs+ Freew oruar.,, n,n <br />City Council 14 — 83 --•Trail Corridor ral _Cey4l5 <br />• MawAev@arrpn ParkResauce .51Jrroudln <br />Faillitp Undeveloped Park CAGpl <br />i111111111Jains us uh0ol5ae Wgftrx i <br />Exhibit A <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS <br />