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Exhibit 1 <br />INITIATIVE 3: TRAIL CONNECTIVITY <br />Create a walkable, bikeable, and interconnected <br />city by providing a network of off-street bicycle <br />and pedestrian trails. <br />3.1 Collaborate with other agencies to provide <br />an integrated trail system. <br />a. Collaborate with other City agencies, <br />partners, and regional entities to provide <br />an interconnected system of regional <br />and local trails, travelways, and access <br />corridors to support recreation, active <br />transportation, and park and program <br />access. (GP) <br />b. Work with the Public Works Agency to <br />implement the Bicycle Master Plan and <br />provide a system of Class I, 11, III, and IV <br />trails. <br />c. Coordinate with adjacent cities to <br />connect existing and planned trail <br />corridors to surrounding regional and <br />local trail networks. <br />3.2 Prioritize off-street trail connections to <br />support park access, recreation, and active <br />transportation. <br />a. Increase pedestrian and bicycle <br />connectivity to and between parks and <br />recreation facilities as noted in the PMP <br />to improve park access. Prioritize trail <br />connections to citywide parks, community <br />c. Focus off-street trail development on the <br />"Key Connections" that provide internal <br />trail loops and access to key destinations. <br />d. Create, adopt, and implement a "Safe <br />Routes to Parks" program that promotes <br />walking and bicycling to parks through <br />infrastructure improvements, enforcement, <br />tools, and safety education, and improves <br />accessibility to parks, facilities, trails, and <br />open space. (GP) <br />e. Develop park entries, trail access points, <br />and trail rest stops to foster walking and <br />bicycling to parks. <br />f. Coordinate with Public Works to evaluate <br />and improve pedestrian travel routes <br />to parks, providing sidewalks, painted <br />crosswalks, and signalized crossings where <br />needed, while also removing barriers that <br />impede park access. <br />3.3 Provide greenspace, parks, and rest stops <br />along trails to enhance trail experiences. <br />a. Where feasible, create landscaped or <br />natural buffers between trails and adjacent <br />uses, including streets. <br />b. Explore options to acquire linear pocket <br />parks along trails, providing recreation <br />activity stations and social gathering <br />space, especially in park deficient and <br />parks, major facilities, and regional parks environmental justice areas. a. Coordinate with Public Works to provide <br />such as Mile Square Park. (See Chapter 4). a comprehensive wayfinding and signage <br />c. Consider wider greenways along the Orange program along trails, at trail rest stops, <br />b. Complete the City's "Golden Loop" Trail County Streetcar route, flood control and in parks that serve as trailheads. <br />by constru <br />existing gap..i�*)Cioundl 14 - 85 signage, as well as mileage markers. 5/17/2022 <br />d. Identify parks to serve as trailheads and <br />b. Brand and market the "Golden Loop" <br />provide trail rest stops along the corridor. <br />through a public awareness campaign <br />Provide bicycle racks, seating, shade, <br />which highlights the route and trail <br />trash receptacles, and self-service bicycle <br />access points. (GP) <br />repair stations where appropriate. Provide <br />c. Publish a trail system map and post this <br />restrooms and drinking fountains (or water <br />on the City's website, in the recreation <br />bottle filling stations) at citywide parks, <br />program guide, and at trail rest stops. <br />community parks, or special use parks <br />with trail connections <br />d. Enable and encourage children to walk <br />3.4 Increase trail -related recreation <br />and bicycle to school and parks by <br />embracing "Safe Routes to Parks" and <br />opportunities in parks. <br />"Safe Routes to Schools" objectives. <br />a. Provide looped internal trails or <br />e. Implement bicycle safety programs to <br />promenades of sufficient width to support <br />educate children, youth and families <br />multiple uses in parks (pedestrians, <br />about trail etiquette and use. <br />bicycles, scooters, strollers, skateboards) <br />and space to pass each other comfortably. <br />f. Develop a multi -modal "share the road" <br />These looped trails should be wider than <br />public awareness program. <br />access paths to facilities. <br />g. Develop a citywide database to monitor <br />b. Establish a mix of soft -and hard -surfaced <br />bicycle and pedestrian accidents. <br />trails in parks that provide a variety of <br />h. Coordinate trail programs, drop -in walks, <br />recreational hiking and bicycling options, <br />nature hikes, and community -wide trail <br />such as nature trails, mountain biking <br />events and bicycle rides to encourage <br />trails, bicycle pump tracks, jogging trails, <br />use of the pedestrian -bicycle network. <br />big wheel and tricycle tracks, walking <br />tracks, etc. <br />i. Explore a trail sponsorship program that <br />3.5 Foster walking and bicycling opportunities <br />encourages or incentivizes businesses <br />through signage, branding, education, and <br />to sponsor the development and/or <br />maintenance of trail links that provide <br />programs. <br />nearby bicycle and pedestrian access. <br />Exhibit <br />SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN dM 0 <br />CHAPTER 6: SYSTEMWIDE RECOMMENDATIONS Im <br />