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Exhibit 1 <br />MATRIX INTRODUCTION <br />This appendix presents two tables to summarize park system recommendations. <br />• Table C-2: Recommendations for Existing and Proposed Parks <br />• Table C-3: Additional Recommendations for Trail Corridors and Joint -Use School Parks <br />PARK RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Table C-1: Recommendations for Existing <br />and Proposed Parks presents a matrix noting <br />recommended capital projects for existing parks <br />and potential future park sites. Table rows are <br />divided into two main sections: 1) Existing Parks; <br />and 2) Planned, Proposed and Expanded Parks. <br />Within these two categories, parks are divided <br />into park types as inventoried. <br />The matrix uses a checklist approach to identify <br />sites where specific site interventions are <br />needed. This allows the City to quickly assess <br />which sites are in need of renovation, and how <br />many sites may be targeted for acquisition and <br />new park development. The City may consider <br />other projects not noted in this matrix, as long <br />as they fit with the vision, values, key initiatives <br />and policies of the Parks Master Plan. The intent <br />of this matrix to provide general guidance on <br />systemwide enhancements needed. It informs <br />the costs shown in Appendix E. The matrix <br />includes the following information: <br />City Council <br />SITE INFORMATION <br />• Site: The name of the park or a reference <br />name. Where the new park is intended to <br />meet needs noted in the park access and <br />equity analysis, the corresponding number of <br />the park gap is noted. (See Chapter 4.) <br />• Total Acreage: Total acreage of and existing <br />site or the proposed acreage for a new site. <br />• % of Acreage Developed: The area of the <br />site that is currently developed or will be <br />developed upon completion of recommended <br />improvements. This percentage is an estimate <br />that help account for the natural resources <br />present on site. <br />14 — 148 <br />SITE INTERVENTION OR <br />OPPORTUNITY <br />As noted in the Chapter 4 and Appendix B, <br />several existing sites could benefit from the <br />following interventions and opportunities to <br />improve park access within several park gaps <br />areas (areas unserved by existing parks). <br />• Potential Expansion: Adjacent properties to <br />park may have the potential for City acquisition <br />for park expansion. As a capacity enhancement <br />project, these expansions are noted under <br />Planned, Proposed and Expanded Parks and <br />simply cross-referenced here. <br />• Enhancement to Attract Residents From <br />Farther Away: Currently, some of Santa <br />Ana's parks attract visitors from mile away, <br />as noted in the City's park service standards. <br />The development of more and more unique <br />recreation facilities at sites noted in this column <br />could help serve nearby unserved areas. <br />• Improved Access to Existing Park: The <br />service area reach of some park sites is limited <br />because of a nearby barrier that impedes <br />walking to the park within a 5- or 10-minute <br />walk. (1/4 or mile) These sites would benefit <br />from access improvements. <br />CAPITAL PROJECTS <br />• Acquire/Expand: Where appropriate, obtain <br />new land for future park development. <br />• Master Plan or Design: Where appropriate, <br />create site master plans, design concepts and/ <br />or feasibility studies. This applies to proposed <br />new parks and to existing sites slated for <br />significant enhancements. Before any major <br />facility is renovated, expanded or developed, <br />the City should create a financial feasibility <br />analysis and market study to ensure that the <br />building is successfully operational when open. <br />• Develop Park: Construct the site to include any <br />infrastructure, utilities, landscaping, recreation <br />facilities and support amenities at the site. <br />• Develop Through Partnership: Contribute to <br />the cost of a new park or facility developed <br />through public/private partnership or public/ <br />public partnership. <br />• New Major Facility Additions: This column <br />includes notes about the addition of any new <br />major facilities at the site. <br />• Improve Comfort Amenities: Make <br />improvements to comfort amenities such <br />as lighting, seating, shade shelters, trash <br />receptacles, bike racks, etc. that are <br />damaged, worn or at end of their lifecycles. <br />These represent minor improvements that <br />affect approximately three percent of the <br />developed portion of the site. <br />5/17/2022 <br />Exhibit A <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN APPENDICES <br />