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SPECIAL -USE FACILITIES <br />Special Use Facilities are sites that support <br />stand-alone major recreation facilities not located <br />within a larger park. These facilities are typically <br />fee -based and are only open when programmed <br />or reserved for use. Their hours of operation <br />and public use are limited. Examples include the <br />Santa Ana Zoo, stadium and tennis centers. <br />SITE CHARACTER & ADJACENCIES <br />• Parks are designed to reflect city identity and <br />culture <br />• Parks should be highly accessible, emphasizing <br />universal accessibility and perimeter access <br />• Site design should encourage interaction with <br />the surrounding uses <br />_,bow <br />SIZE & CONFIGURATION <br />• Varies in size depending on facility use <br />• Site should be relatively level and developable <br />for recreation and/or gathering <br />ACCESS <br />• Accessible by auto, bus, bicycle or foot <br />• Ideally located on a Class I or Class IV trail and/ <br />or on -street bike paths <br />• Has parking suitable for specialized facilities <br />• Should be located on a transit/bus line <br />• Should have wide paths so all areas of the park <br />are accessible to emergency vehicles <br />• Frontage on a collector or arterial street <br />PRIORITIZED RECREATION ELEMENTS <br />ADDITIONAL RECREATION ELEMENTS TO <br />CONSIDER <br />• Play features or activity hub in addition to <br />special use <br />• Food or other concessions <br />• Natural areas <br />• Storage/maintenance buildings <br />PRIORITIZED SUPPORT AMENITIES <br />• Permanent restrooms <br />• On- or off-street parking <br />• Facility access paths <br />• Tables, seating, drinking fountain, bike racks, <br />trash receptacles, and dog waste stations <br />• Shade (trees, shelters, canopies, sails) <br />• Wayfinding and interpretive signs <br />• Pedestrian -scale lighting throughout, plus <br />facility lighting <br />• Maintenance/storage facilities <br />LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION <br />• Medium to high -maintenance plantings, <br />functional landscaping for most of the site <br />• Trees for shade, habitat, and seasonal interest <br />(evergreen and deciduous) <br />• Drought -tolerant landscaping with drip <br />irrigation, in accordance with WELO <br />(California's Water Efficient Landscape <br />Ordinance). <br />• Bioswales for stormwater filtration <br />ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS <br />• Facilities vary depending on site use • Park identification signage near main parking • None <br />. p14 ,,i.,,. ,.. hirtg;i al iA%Q..,.,,ti"Q fQat,,wg lot, street entry, or visible frontage <br />City Council 14 — 166 5/17/2022 <br />® SANTA ANA PARKS MASTER PLAN <br />