Exhibit A
<br />People", 6 Pillars of Character, communication skills, using technology responsibly, digital
<br />literacy, peer pressure, bullying, conflict resolution, generational differences, and cultural
<br />diversity. We have classes that foster students' interests in the areas of athletics, music, and arts
<br />and crafts. Students will also be required to volunteer and lead service projects for the
<br />community which will give them a sense of self -empowerment.
<br />Within the Career Institute, we will help youth make informed decisions about their
<br />futures by considering their college and career options. We will offer career readiness services
<br />by hosting career guest speakers, financial literacy education classes, career research projects,
<br />mock interviews, and resume writing workshops that will help them explore, understand, and
<br />apply academic and career skills to become more independent problem solvers and proactive
<br />planners. We will team up with college students to take youth on field trips to local colleges and
<br />universities to tour and motivate them about the benefits of higher education and its gateway to a
<br />wider range of career options.
<br />Within the Health Institute, youth will develop a healthy living lifestyle. Youth will
<br />have the opportunity to engage in at least 30 minutes of daily exercise during recreation time.
<br />During life skills classes, we will engage youth in interactive activities that teach them about
<br />good nutrition and how to cook healthy food. To promote exercise, students will have access to
<br />sports classes on -site. We will also have quarterly trips to go hiking, camping, or other
<br />recreational activities. In addition, we will host health workshops on the benefits of nutritious
<br />food, oral health, germ -spread prevention, and living an active lifestyle.
<br />To increase the likelihood of the youth's success, we strongly believe that parents must be
<br />involved in their children's education. To achieve this objective, we will hold monthly parent
<br />meetings to teach parents about the school system, benefits of higher education, best practices to
<br />support their children's education, developmental milestones, preventive health, strengthening
<br />family functioning, technology use, and how to maintain stronger pathways to economic and
<br />financial stability. We will refer them to ESL classes, job opportunities, nutrition classes, and
<br />community resources. We will provide opportunities for them to become actively involved in
<br />PAYP activities and encourage them to participate in school functions. Because we understand
<br />that communicating and working with parents is vital to their children's success, our staff are
<br />highly accessible to parents. We can run our monthly parent meetings in multiple languages to
<br />cater to the different needs of our clients. We evaluate and improve the structure, curriculum, and
<br />activities in our program each year to ensure we are providing the best services to the families
<br />we serve.
<br />Target Population:
<br />The populations to be served through PAYP are underserved and low-income youth (Ist
<br />— 12th grades) and parents in Santa Ana, with a focus on underserved youth and parents from
<br />Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Latinx communities. The residents within our service areas are
<br />mainly Latino and Cambodian families who came to this country with little or no formal
<br />education, speaking no English, and possessing few marketable job skills. As uprooted peoples,
<br />they remain socially -isolated and economically -challenged, as they struggle to adjust and provide
<br />for their families. Our services offer guidance and support to many of Santa Ana's families
<br />seeking help with navigating the educational, health, and legal systems. For Cambodians in
<br />particular, there are few service providers who speak their language (Khmer) and understand
<br />their history and culture. We provide critical in -language resources to many monolingual
<br />community members as well as connect them with other community support services.
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