Task 7. Noticing
<br />EPD will initiate preparation of all appropriate and required noticing. During the preparation of the noticing,
<br />EPD will maintain regular communication with the city and other responsible agencies (e.g., Caltrans, other
<br />cities, or County of Orange) to prepare the appropriate and required noticing, such as public notices,
<br />Scalping Meetings, Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Intent to Adopt, and Notice of
<br />Determination.
<br />Project Management, Support, and Staff Meetings
<br />The project manager's role is to ensure the adequate exchange of information for the duration of the project,
<br />from project initiation to public hearings. This includes notifying city staff of issues as they are encountered
<br />and working judiciously to resolve them. The Project Manager will maintain the project schedule, oversee the
<br />budget, and coordinate with city staff, subconsultants, and stakeholders.
<br />EPD staff will meet with city staff, as needed, and our Project Manager or other key personnel associated
<br />with specific disciplines will also be available to attend various meeting with affected jurisdictions and
<br />agencies. EPD will attend meetings with city staff, scoping meetings, and/or public hearings to provide
<br />explanation of the CEQA/NEPA process and answer questions related to the scope of the environmental
<br />documentation. EPD will assist with preparation of PowerPoint presentations and graphic materials for each
<br />public hearing.
<br />Public Scoping Meetings, Hearings, and Participation
<br />EPD will coordinate and be available to participate in public scoptng meetings, public workshops, and/or
<br />public hearings to provide an explanation of the CEQA/NEPA process and answer questions related to the
<br />scope of the environmental documentation. EPD will be available to consult with all applicable federal, State,
<br />local agencies, stakeholders, and the public. The nature and content of these meetings will be coordinated
<br />with city staff, and the city will schedule and conduct public hearings and meetings.
<br />EPD will also work in close collaboration with the city to distribute the environmental document, circulate
<br />public notices, and meet the filing requirements of the level of CEQA/NEPA document prepared. EPD will
<br />be responsible for printing and distributing the environmental document and preparing the necessary forms,
<br />and will file them with the County Clerk, the State Clearinghouse, and/or the Federal Register.
<br />Permitting and Regulatory Compliance
<br />As previous discussed, EPD manages specialized technical consultants who are experienced in the review
<br />and reporting of mitigation compliance. EPD would further coordinate with contractors and tribal monitors to
<br />ensure mitigation monitoring and reporting services are conducted in an organized and timely fashion.
<br />Urban Crossroads, Inc. staff has extensive experience with the analysis and mitigation of air toxic and criteria
<br />pollutants. Based on detailed research and analysis, Urban Crossroads would provide thorough
<br />recommendations on mitigation measures to satisfy applicable federal, State, and local air quality and noise
<br />standards. Urban Crossroads is also experienced in the preparation of construction noise mitigation and
<br />monitoring plans, as well as traffic mitigation phasing strategies.
<br />Blackhawk Environmental is experienced in biological mitigation and monitoring, and would provide these
<br />services through pre -construction biological surveys, monitoring of active birds' nests, and burrowing owl
<br />surveys, to name a few. Blackhawk Environmental has provided biological mitigation and monitoring services
<br />extensively across Southern California.
<br />Environmental and Planning Services RFQ #20-100 g
<br />EPD Solutions, Inc,
<br />