collaboration with our technical team, will assure a comprehensive Draft Initial Study is conducted, and
<br />potential issues are identified upfront, as well as opportunities to avoid such issues through project design
<br />refinements. The Draft Initial Study will be based on the most current CEQA requirements and checklist per
<br />the State CEQA Guidelines, combined with any local amendments made by city staff. EPD will advise the
<br />City early on if the project involves a Federal nexus and requires NEPA documentation, in which case, an
<br />environmental assessment will be prepared.
<br />Task 3. Draft ND, MND or EIR
<br />EPD will initiate preparation of the draft CEQA documentation, as applicable, upon completion of the Draft
<br />Initial Study and will prepare all notices and distribute copies of the document to public agencies per the
<br />CEQA Guidelines. During the preparation of the environmental documents, EPD will maintain regular
<br />communication with the City as lead agency as well as with any responsible agencies (e.g., Caltrans,
<br />Department of Fish and Wildlife, etc.). As part of the environmental documentation task, EPD will prescribe
<br />avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures, as needed, that are effective while also being feasible.
<br />To expedite the process, we prepare a complete screen check document for review and comment, which is
<br />more efficient than submittal of selected sections on an incremental basis. Adequate time will be provided in
<br />the project schedule for the City's review of the screen check and final drafts. Additionally, EPD will prepare
<br />and distribute all required notices and mailings including, but not limited to, the Notice of Completion, Notice
<br />of Availability (for EIRs), and the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration, as necessary. If the
<br />project requires NEPA, EPD will prepare and distribute the finding of no significant impact (FONSI) or
<br />Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), as needed.
<br />Task 4. Response to Comments and Final MND or EIR
<br />The public review period and response to comments are dependent on the level of CEQA document
<br />prepared. For example, an Addendum and an Exemption require no public review period, a Negative
<br />Declaration or MND require a 20- or 30-day review period (with the longer period required if State
<br />agencies are noticed through the State Clearinghouse), and an EIR requires a 45-day public review period.
<br />Following the close of the public comment period, if required, EPD will review any comments regarding the
<br />contents of the environmental document. A strategy meeting will be held with the City to discuss the comments,
<br />the City's preferred format for the responses, and to identify any information or data needs from city staff
<br />or the applicant team to address the comments. EPD will prepare a draft Response to Comments document,
<br />coordinating with the City for assistance, as necessary. If necessary, the draft environmental document will
<br />be revised to reflect any substantial changes made in Response to Comments. If the project requires an EIS,
<br />Response to Comments/Final EIS will be prepared. A Record of Decision will be filed as well. EPD will
<br />coordinate all required EPA filings, Federal Register notices, and agency and public review processes.
<br />Task 5. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
<br />An MMRP will be prepared pursuant to Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code. It will be presented
<br />in standard city format and will identify the significant impacts that would result from the project, mitigation
<br />measures for each impact, the time at which each measure will need to be conducted, the entity responsible
<br />for implementing the mitigation measure,and the Planning Division or other agency responsible 'for
<br />monitoring the mitigation effort and ensuring its success.
<br />Task 6. Findings
<br />For adoption of CEQA documentation, EPD will prepare all necessary CEQA findings with the city. A strategy
<br />meeting will be held with the city to discuss the findings, the city's preferred format for the findings, and to
<br />identify any information or data needs from city staff or the applicant team to address in the findings.
<br />Environmental and Planning Services RFQ #20-100 7
<br />EPD Solutions, Inc.
<br />