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SUBCQNSULTANT - IBI <br />We have Included hours for IBI to assist with the followingtasks as needed: <br />Project Description. Provide assistance with updates to Mobility Element, If required beyond those reflected in the <br />Final EIR prepared for Planning Commission (including MPAH). <br />Project Alternatives. Provide estimated trafficvolumes if alternative is selected that modifies land uses. This <br />would be required to evaluate potential change In significance of traffic noise Impacts. <br />Public Hearing Attendance. Attendance at up to 3 public hearings (or workshops). <br />SCHEDULE <br />PlaceWorks will initlate preparation of the Recirculated Draft PEIR upon notice to proceed from the City. This updated <br />submittal reflects the General Plan Draft Timeline excel schedule forwarded to us by the City on January 27, 2021. <br />Based on this schedule, public outreach will extend through May 2021, and a Draft Revised General Plan will be <br />available Forpubllcrevlewattheend ofJune 2021, TheScreencheck Recirculated EIR will be Initiated by March 2021, <br />and the Draft Recirculated EIR is projected to be released for public review byJuiy 2021. Public Hearings, preceded <br />by Study Sessions in October/November 2021, are projected in December 2021/January 2022. Based on these <br />preliminary assumptions our schedule and related project management efforts have been revised from an original <br />20-week timeline to 47 weeks, <br />January 28, 20211 Page 6 <br />