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Correspondence - #16
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/15/2022 Adjourned
Correspondence - #16
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6/15/2022 1:03:49 PM
City Clerk
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but please consider our future city and establish a formal MX Sunset Stabilization now in order to plan for this decrease <br /> in MX revenue in the future...this should also be a priority albeit one that will result in delayed gratification. <br /> Please consider at a minimum formally setting aside the growth in MX revenue each year into the Stabilization Fund-or <br /> even a portion such as 50% of the growth of MX revenue. The council established the Pension Stabilization Fund and the <br /> refinancing of the pension debt which will help our future obligations, but it is simply not enough. A MX stabilization <br /> fund needs to be formally established now. This can easily be done by adding another layer of general fund reserve to <br /> the 18% revenue policy that is existing right now...18%of revenue PLUS the MX Stabilization Fund. Break it out in 2 <br /> separate policies. <br /> In the Budget Presentation, Slide 3 titled "City Manager Overview',the city manager indicated on the slide and in the <br /> presentation on last Tuesday,there is indication of a long-range plan for the MX rate reduction in 2029, however, I did <br /> not really hear what that plan was during the presentation. Maybe I missed it but the city's plan should include <br /> reserving of funds now in order to not have a drastic reduction in services to our city residents and businesses. Again, I <br /> urge you to formally come up with a MX Stabilization Fund in order to prepare for the future. <br /> Please do not rely solely upon the general fund balance compared to the 18% Reserve Requirement. In fact, during the <br /> upcoming budget season,the current proposal has a REDUCTION to the excess general fund balance of approx <br /> $21M. This is a big reduction. The estimated Beg Balance is expected to be approx$97.5M while the estimated Ending <br /> Balance after the proposed budget which you are contemplating will be approx$76.5M...again, a reduction of the <br /> general fund balance. This will still be beyond the 18% reserve requirement(18%of revenue) as set forth by the council <br /> policy but again,we should be trying to increase the general fund in anticipation of the MX sunset instead of decreasing <br /> it IMO or provide additional information to us all in terms of the entire MX sunset "plan". See picture below. <br /> Recapwith additions <br /> General Fund Summary <br /> Estimated Revenu@ $390,112,94Q Estirnaled8eginr0rM SalancrPS97,462,861 <br /> Recurring Baseline Spending 362,038,301 Net Activity 2,204, <br /> Proposed Additions to Recurring 19,121,149 Less One-Tune Spend ing 23 157,310 <br /> Transfer to Pension 5tabilitation 7,748,81.1 Estimated End ink Balance $76,510,Z10 <br /> NetRuurring Art ivity $ 2,204r679 <br /> 18%Reserve Requirement 70,220,329 <br /> Rre postd ane-Tiwif 5ptnding 2.1,157,310 Exeexs Available $6,Z�4,401 <br /> 2G <br /> Yes,there is about$23M of one time spending but when one-time spending is consistently done this can start to feel <br /> like recurring expenditures. In order to not reduce the "excess available",the city will need to limit future one time <br /> spending while controlling recurring spending to only the increase in revenue, but this will also mean we are not <br /> increasing the general fund reserve balance. Intentions and priorities matter here...I believe that the council need to put <br /> its formal priorities in place showing that its intention is to increase the reserves to prepare for the MX sunset. We do <br /> not want to be in the same situation that Westminster is in to where some serious budget cuts will need to be made <br /> which will only compound existing issues. <br /> Please consider putting your concern for the future MX sunset into a formal instead of later. Show your <br /> intentions and priorities instead of relying upon the general fund budget process that we have done in the past. Action <br /> 38 <br />
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