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2022-23 Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Youth Employment Program - WIOA Proposal <br />literacy and numeracy skills as evidenced every year with our participants) Every year at least <br />80%of all participants increase their literacy/numeracy skills! In summary, our WIOA Literacy <br />and Numeracy tutors meet with each participant at least once a week upon the completion of <br />the initial TABE assessment. Our agency's goal is that each youth increases by at least two <br />Educational Functional Levels at time of post-test. OCCTAC tutors provide individualized <br />tutoring sessions every week throughout the year to ensure that our youth will be able to <br />increase both their literacy and numeracy skills to be successful in life. In the past, OCCTAC has <br />been very successful in the attainment of these goals, and thus it will continue to assist all <br />participants with and without disabilities achieve higher educational and academic goals to be <br />successful in their educational and career goals. <br />9. MentorinP U page max): <br />K. Specify how your organization will provide mentoring to youth. Our agency has wonderful <br />staff that is dedicated to empowering and supporting our WIOA youth. Not only will our WIOA <br />staff provide mentoring to youth, but all the other OCCTAC staff working in other programs at <br />our agency and in the community, such as (After School Arts, Therapeutic Arts, Early Start & <br />Pre -Kinder Arts, Learning Academy, Family Wellness Program, Senior Socialization Program etc.) <br />Youth will have the opportunity to learn, interview, shadow and receive mentoring from <br />excellent professionals in the fields of Education, Arts, Technology, Health, Psychology, <br />Counseling, Early Childhood Development, Marketing, Business and others. In addition, the <br />youth will gain hands on work experience in these fields, as well as the opportunity to gain <br />insight from these professionals regarding the various career and educational paths that youth <br />are interested in pursuing. <br />L. Specify what types of support your organization will offer youth who are facing challenging <br />obstacles such as family dysfunctions, mental health issues, homelessness, low self-esteem, <br />probation, gang issues, parenting issues, etc. OCCTAC will continue to collaborate with OMID <br />Mental Health Clinic, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology, <br />California State University, Fullerton and USC, School of Social Work. All 4 institutions refer <br />counseling, psychology and marriage and family therapy interns to OCCTAC, and provide <br />Psychological/ Mental Health Counseling to all our WIOA youth, if needed. Participants can <br />enroll in individual counseling at OCCTAC or in the community. In addition to the <br />psychological counseling provided to youth, all WIOA participants must attend mandatory <br />life skills workshops and trainings on where to obtain additional information and resources in <br />the community. Our Case Mangers will also guide the youth and refer them to these <br />additional community resources and specialists, if needed. Finally, parenting youth will also <br />be able to participate in any of the parenting classes offered at OCCTAC, to help them with <br />parenting issues, educational support etc, and gain assistance in working through all of these <br />challenges. <br />M. Will your organization offer mental health services or referrals to mental health agencies, <br />describe. YES. As stated above, OCCTAC has various community partnerships that can offer <br />mental health services to our youth. Thus, our WIOA staff can make direct referrals to <br />provide free mental health services and onsite counseling on a weekly basis for our youth. <br />15 <br />