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2022-23 Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Youth Employment Program - WIOA Proposal <br />N. Describe how your organization will provide or refer youth to comprehensive guidance <br />and counseling for drug and alcohol, etc. In partnership with the community services <br />program, we are be able to provide youth with a workshop on drugs and alcohol, and also <br />provide them information recourses, and referrals if needed. <br />10.Workshops: <br />0. Provide information about the following workshops and how or when the workshops <br />will be provided to youth in the program: - All participants will be required to attend <br />Life Skills and Job Skills training that will encompass all of the following components. <br />Youth will be asked to attend mandatory workshops to assist them in their overall <br />achievement in this program, as well as their personal lives. Workshops will be weekly. <br />Starting in September 2020 and ending in June 2021. <br />OCCTAC Training Series: <br />• Financial Literacy: This workshop series will allow WIOA participants to understand the <br />importance of budgeting their money and savings. They will gain an insight on how to <br />become finically stable now in order to further assist them with their career and <br />educational goals. See attachments section for a sample. <br />• Job Skills: This workshop series will allow youth to learn and create materials needed for <br />employment purposes, with the ultimate goal of when completed, they are able to <br />assemble an employment portfolio that can be presented at any job fair, interview, and <br />new potential employer. See attachments section for a sample. <br />• Life Skills: This workshop series will help our youth with day to day life skills information <br />to assist them in making healthy and reasonable choices in their lives. See attachments <br />section for a sample. <br />1. Financial Literacy/ Budget Management — These are one of the most basic and important <br />workshop series that we offer at OCCTAC for several yearsl As mentioned above, WIOA <br />participant will learn about financial literacy and budgeting, and these workshops will allow our <br />youth to think not only about the present, but of their future. They will learn the basic of opening <br />a checking and savings account, and how to plan for retirement and future expenses. <br />2. Entrepreneur Skills Training — This workshop will be the perfect opportunity for innovative <br />young adults in Orange County to learn what it takes to be successful when launching their <br />entrepreneurial ventures. They will learn how to do this via three key strategies: Business plan <br />competition, Networking and collaboration. <br />3. Labor Market Information — This workshop will provide youth with valuable information for <br />today's labor market, so that you can make an educated decision on which career path is best <br />suited to their skills and abilities. <br />4. Family Planning — A representative from Planned Parenthood will provide our WIOA youth <br />with information on birth control methods, family planning and free healthcare services. These <br />16 <br />