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y4{ <br />Exhibit A <br />Discovery Cube Orange County Revised Scope of Work <br />Discovery Cube Orange County (DCOC) gratefully thanks the Revive Santa Ana Youth Program <br />for the generous one-year reimbursement grant of $90,028 for our program titled Fun with <br />Colors and Futuros Radiantes: Providing a STEMEducation to Early Learners in Santa Ana. <br />We look forward to implementing our project during the 12-month period of July 1, 2022, to <br />June 30, 2023. The only change from the two-year to the one-year grant is that number of early <br />learners we will reach will be reduced by half. With the one-year RFP grant, we expect to <br />positively impact 510 to 660 early learners (0 to 5 years old) from 12 Santa Ana schools through <br />Fun with Colors and 30 to 60 teachers and parents through Futuros Radiantes. The content of the <br />program remains consistent with the Scope of Work presented in our original RFP application. <br />Included with the Scope of Work is the Revised Budget, which delineates the budget for a one- <br />year project. <br />DCOC's program includes two services that provide underserved early learners in Santa Ana <br />with their earliest STEM education to foster their lifelong interest in science and mathematics. <br />The two programs we will implement are Fun with Colors and Futuros Radiantes, <br />Fun with Colors is an ongoing early learner interactive science field trip program. This workshop <br />includes a 45-minute workshop with a Demonstrator who reads a 20-minute book, Mouse Paint, <br />by Ellen Stoll Walsh to the children. The book reading will be followed by a 25-minute <br />interactive activity, whereby children create a color wheel using balls of dough. Field Trip <br />scheduling staff will work directly with teachers to ensure the programming is scaffolding <br />classroom work and objectives that align with NGSS. DCOC education staff is agile and can <br />customize the field trip experience to meet the needs of each teacher at identified school sites. <br />Therefore, all field trip content will be age and learning appropriate to accommodate preschool <br />through 1st -grade students. The aim of Fun with Colors is to teach color theory to young children <br />as a part of their earliest STEM education. A Demonstrator will explain that the concepts to be <br />learned are a part of the Preschool Learning Foundations. The Demonstrator will then state that <br />the demonstration will focus on the color wheel and mixing and introduces Mouse Paint. She <br />will ask questions about the cover to encourage students to make observations and form <br />predictions about the book. Questions include: What do you think this story is about? What can <br />you see on the cover? How many colors do you see? What colors are they? <br />Futuros Radiantes is DCOCs award -winning, successful, early learners program designed to <br />teach economically disadvantaged, minority parents to read books geared toward STEM to their <br />young children. The parents and teachers of young children for this workshop are typically <br />English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. Futuros Radiantes is a six -week workshop in <br />which participating parents and teachers receive one free science -based children's book per <br />week. They will also receive supplies to bring science and math activities into the home. During <br />the workshop, parents and teachers will learn to help their child become school -ready and <br />develop complex language and reading skills in English and Spanish. Parents and teachers who <br />complete the program receive free admission tickets for their families to visit Discovery Cube. <br />The deliverables for Fun with Colors are that young children will learn to identify primary and <br />secondary colors. They will learn that mixing two primary colors results in a secondary color. <br />20 <br />