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DiscoveryCube Exhibit A <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />Our vision is that this workshop will spark underserved children's life-long interest in science, <br />applied learning, hypothesis -testing, and discovery. Fun with Colors meets the California <br />Preschool Learning Foundations, which outline knowledge and skills that most children can <br />achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that promote <br />early learning and development. The Fun with Colors field trip will foster knowledge and active <br />participation. Students will learn about color theory during the book reading. Then they will <br />actively apply what they learned by creating a color wheel with balls of dough with the guidance <br />of the Demonstrator. <br />The deliverables for Futuros Radiantes are parents and teachers will discover the benefits of <br />reading STEM -based children's books to early learners. Participants will near that young <br />children's interest in science and STEM can be fostered and perpetuated through early reading, <br />As a result of Futuros Radiantes; parents and teachers will read more STEM books to early <br />learners. In turn, the early learners will be more interested in reading and STEM subjects. Both <br />Fun with Colors and Futuros Radiantes will spark early learners' first interest in STEM that we <br />hope will turn into a lifelong interest in science subjects. <br />Our programs will target STEM engagement among underserved early learners. Pre-K and <br />kindergarten classrooms will be recruited from the Santa Ana Unified and Santa Ana early <br />childhood development centers for the Fun with Colors field trip. To recruit our target population <br />into Fun with Colors, DCOC's Director of Groups Sales and Partner Relations, Lianne Leiss, <br />will reach out directly to Santa Ana schools to let them know about the availability of <br />scholarships and programming. She will also let them know how programming will be dispensed <br />from the Cube educational team to the school sites. Bus stipends will cover the expenses of <br />school bus rides to and from the Cube. To recruit our target population for Futuros Radiantes, we <br />will reach out directly to early childhood learning centers, and we will advertise on our website: <br />https://www.discoverycube,org/orange-county/ <br />Children from Santa Ana schools are predominately underserved and of Latinx descent. <br />Underserved early learners are disproportionately denied a STEM education because of limited <br />resources and the lack of teacher training in science and math subjects. The target population of <br />Futuros Radiantes is underserved families throughout Santa Ana. Within the Santa Unified <br />School District, California's sixth -largest district, there are 56,000 students. More than 90% are <br />eligible for free or reduced -price lunch, 96% are Latinx, and 60% are English language learners <br />(ELL). Futuros Radiantes encourages parents to read more to their young children to nurture <br />early learners' interest in learning with books that keep them interested and motivated in STEM <br />subjects. <br />The innovation of our program is the delivery of STEM to early learners through Fun with <br />Colors and Futuros Radiantes. A two-year research study showed that young children are capable <br />of engaging in, at developmentally appropriate levels, the scientific practices that high school <br />students carry out (McClure et al., 2017). Schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District are <br />increasingly focused on providing STEM education to students (Santa Ana Unified School <br />District, 2022). However, minority students often transfer or drop out of STEM classes (The <br />Washington Post, 2022). In turn, individuals are minority descent are disproportionately <br />underrepresented in STEM careers (Pew Research, 2022). <br />21 <br />