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centaman <br />Maintenance and Helpdesk Services <br />By pAyMent -of the appl.e 50wa;re Feat the Custonne-f toNfacts Centaman to maintain dhe Software <br />arWJ provide Iie Ipde5k-5mi-ce5 tinder these terms. <br />1. Definitions <br />TFw fall winc dQfinlCi n5 r7 .3ppalcable to this sea*n of the Comract. All. othiv Uu ms are as defln-ed Irt the <br />GeneraF Contra Terns <br />Software Upgraders and Mai rEtenanet Is the provISI-oIl of buq fixrng, pcoduct up�rade5 and repair servkes For <br />We Sottware as described In fU4detail irr SL�--rtlon 3 of tfhl5 C:vntraa <br />Saftwara Support I t110 provision oFFFeMp desk seMCIRS FDrtha Saftwareaq described in furthat detail rn <br />Section A of th:s Liens-e Nrearnent. <br />Re -pare means LFre ri!p.,--iis pa4kage pi#wIcl#d by Cenrarr+an w0th the instaltatian of the 5oftwar-6 arld updawd <br />as prov!ded by Centarran 'earn unie to time. TN5 i n-ulvde€ Standagd report Vernplate riles. which 4fv! Cu-stom-er <br />or Centaman ;Mayr haws rnodifi@d fe.g , knverrtQryr templates, tickeM pass cardsF. bui ex-cludes repor[s de,rekoped <br />by th-a Customer of Cuvorn Reports develoWd by F--entarnan The repoFirs irnctuded lay this defi,l 4on airy I I%tend <br />In the DocumeDta(ion. <br />Custom Departs •n8.Pd1$ r rt5: a. developed by Cantarnan mear`s anv rifts that hawa been dave cipea Nr a <br />-J3 or at ion by Cenfaman -either as an iriii; I projKt de;iaerabl-@ of as pan of an c,tooing prof essmnal <br />ssrvjceS engagement U, d-eQe1wed lt�y Custonner a-qth-@r -a5 a derivative of an exisring report or as a new report <br />- Scope of Services <br />A- Centaman prowades to the CL�storner 0,@ Sofrwaee upgrade& and Maintenarfre and Software SAIpport only for <br />the Software deVflQped by Cerltaman. <br />R. Cen tmma r1 &as NOT provide Software Support for anyr rnaLfurKtion, error, defe€x. or fault irk then So F[wara <br />t:)-U &n'd IYY . <br />I. prLy malfur.-;#Ion. error, di�f-pct or fault in any equiosrient of safmare otl*,�i ritan the 5QFt)Nare Pcowded <br />by Centarrmn or <br />ii anyr modAcation to the Software not made by or do behalf of Cer,taman: or <br />111. i rV941atior4 of Third -Party hardxvare -Qr wF`'t"ra not aippraq-ed -1p writing by Cen tamarl. or <br />City Council 8 — 70 11 /1 /2022 <br />