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c: cents mars <br />%vkich, have been pr-eWiQimly cgnFigured Cenvtnian is not oblig-ed to ;Prov.�de Software Support to users who <br />have not IDeen prcNided adequate u5er training by either CeTntaman or Customer Such users will b@ consudrsi@d <br />t4 be logging Tier 1 €a5e5. <br />F. Reporting an Issue - the Customer agrees to advi5@ Centainan by telephone or via dha Centar am support <br />portal thttpsJjFny.centarnan.ioy tie precise nature of any suspect@d error, mblfuritt4or%. or defect_ The Customef <br />agrees to prcwide Gentamarr vqrth all relevant iiiformation upor, requ"t rr% order that Centarrian may rer:der the <br />5erfic-es sat forth harem. Centarnan dues not reprps4 rnt of warrant the service to-eults 04 that all ern!ws- <br />maIfurrttioiss or defects will be corrected. <br />G. Definition of Seuerity - th& Customer and Cantaman agrees to the fdlrvwjrxq definitm% of the 5.everity or <br />urgency of issues as &u thn2d in thF-G Clause. Cont,aman ag,ees to provide Software Support at the Ti mes and <br />with the respoosiveness as oukiiried in clauser. 4H arwd 41 ba-led vii the Cu5tQmei'5 rvasonab3e and ipccurate <br />assignment: of the *,@near in actordarxe with th& f01lowiing dehmtign%: <br />1 Support Sewer it} I are Issues which affect the enrFre operakrcir. R.g . 5?5t.�rn dpwrn, cannot sell iEernj <br />Pr the 455rL.R is rearly stgppinq you dr�rn doing bm5ine€5 <br />1 Support Severity 2 a5 wh-en th-ei:Lwomer experiences a problem but is Rrcceming sares and <br />tran�ac;ioni tfor exampl-p, a vann!205 nOt tivorking or are -error appears but there i5 a work-amuMl <br />i'Ll Support Sep verity 3 i5 when the systom`s wort nq and the r$quest is for a configuraticM cha nge, he 1p <br />with 1Ising the 5ystiem or anylhing related to Reaarts or Custom Reports de":e,oped by CoAmam.3r7. <br />is SLip port Seer-pri#fir 4 is eequesn for that's a new feature, report. or set - up cf some[h?nq <br />that's not already in the Customer's sy uarn. Severity 4 raqut-sts mnayr fall outside the scrape of the <br />Software Support services and may require additio"I project or rmplerrrentatian r83burees that wi;,Lglcl <br />be at a n additional chafge Cennrnan wil I seem pr•or approval From the Customer For Severity A requests <br />that would re&uIt In an addi6orlaI charge priof to proYlding the Wrvicps <br />4A <br />(D202 <br />City Council 8 — 73 11/1/2022 <br />