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Agenda Packet_2022-12-06
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City Council (2004 - Present)
12/06/2022 Regular
Agenda Packet_2022-12-06
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12/7/2022 1:40:07 PM
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12/2/2022 11:47:18 AM
City Clerk
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memorandum to make recommendations to the City Council regarding establishing a formal <br />Historic Preservation Work Program for 2022-2023. <br />During the 2022 workshops, the HRC discussed the existing work program and <br />accomplishments, key staff initiatives, and HRC's work program recommendations. In <br />addition, PBA staff outlined additional work program recommendations. Below is a summary <br />of these items: <br />HRC RECOMMENDATIONS <br />-Expand historic program reach to recognize and identify importance of African American <br />history and impacts in the City <br />■ Create partnerships with Santa Ana History Room for the creation of digital archives to <br />commemorate resident history <br />-Create partnerships with neighborhood associations to facilitate better community <br />participation and engagement <br />■ Create a specific website or "portal" that connects the general public with various historic <br />resources (e.g., Heritage Museum of Orange County, Santa Ana Historic Preservation <br />Society, Preserve Orange County, etc.) <br />■ Use of plaques, monuments, and/or QR codes so residents can explore their own <br />communities (e.g., maps of significant mural or public art locations, and significant <br />points of historic) <br />-Presenting the City's history as a narrative at local parks <br />■ Continued exploratory/history research on parts of South Main Street <br />-Clarify the Historic Preservation Awards process <br />-Historic preservation awards — begin to engage developer community to highlight historic <br />significant projects <br />-Establish strategy for the creation of locally designated historic districts, as many <br />neighborhoods have expressed strong interest <br />-Mills Act Program — strategize on how City can comply with State requirements (e.g., <br />send letters to homeowners, reduce number of inspections, etc.) <br />PBA RECOMMENDATIONS <br />-Update Mills Act program to be in compliance with State requirements and to include <br />new rehabilitation plan requirements <br />■ Survey the total cost and time for updating Chapter 30 (Historic Ordinance), which was <br />implemented in 1980 and last amended in 2003 <br />-Develop roadmap of updates to historic ordinance, including identifying consultants that <br />the City may want to consider to update the ordinance and program <br />-Hire additional full-time historic preservation staff <br />■Maintain conformance with Certified Local Government (CLG) requirements by <br />establishing minimum qualifications for Historic Resources Commission. Requirements <br />for all members include having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in <br />City Council Y,6-4 12/6/2022 <br />
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