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historic preservation. At least two Commission members to be encouraged to be <br />appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, <br />architectural. Inclusion efforts should be undertaken to maintain a diverse Commission <br />that is reflective of the City of Santa Ana. <br />As part of this memorandum, PBA staff is also highlighting implementation measures from the <br />City's first standalone Historic Preservation Element. The element was adopted as part of the <br />City's General Plan, which became effective May 2022. The purpose of the element is to <br />provide guidance in developing and implementing City actions that ensure that identification, <br />designation, and protection of architectural, historical, cultural, and archaeological City <br />resources. PBA staff notes several overlaps between the HRC's and PBA's work program <br />recommendations, listed below: <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES <br />■Development standards update. Amend Specific Development No. 19 and Specific <br />Development No. 40 zoning districts to streamline development processes, incorporate <br />best practices, and make documents user friendly. — Goal HP-1.1; PBA12 022-202 7 <br />■Design Guidelines update. Comprehensively update Citywide Design Guidelines to <br />reflect current best practices for sections related to Historic Structures and Downtown <br />Santa Ana. — Goal HP-1.4; PBA 2022-2027 <br />■Historic resources survey. Survey all City -owned historic resources to identify <br />condition, maintenance and repair needs, and sources of funding for upgrades. — Goal <br />HP-1. 6; PRCSA/PWA 2022 <br />■Signage improvement. Seek funding and create incentives program for Downtown Santa <br />Ana fagade and signage improvement program. -- Goal HP-1.8; CDA12023 <br />■Public awareness. Promote awareness of the city's historic resources and their <br />importance in the development of Orange County. — Goal HP-2.4; PBA/ongoing <br />-City branding. Include historic resources and cultural imagery in future City branding <br />and marketing campaigns. — Goal HP-2.2; CM012025 ongoing <br />■ Historic properties. Update and expand citywide Historic Properties Survey Program to <br />identify potential historic resources for placement on local Register and those that are at <br />risk of losing their historic value, with the first phase to include resource evaluation of <br />the Focus Areas. — Goal HP-3.2; PBA12022 and ongoing <br />■Historical places. Proactively nominate all properties that potentially qualify for <br />placement on the Santa Ana Register of Historical Places. — Goal HP-3.3; PBA12024 <br />wCommunity engagement. Prepare a community engagement plan that targets <br />communities with historic resources that have low participation rates in historic <br />preservation programs including hard to reach communities and affiliated tribes listed <br />with the California Native American Heritage Commission. — Goal HP-3.4; PBA12023 <br />■Historic Resources Commission. Establish minimum qualifications for participation on <br />the Historic Resources Commission — Goal HP-3.6; PBA12023 <br />■Equitable access. Establish a fee reduction or waiver program for low-income applicants <br />to ensure equitable access and participation in the Mills Act Program. — Goal HP-3.8; <br />PBA12023 <br />City Council 6-5 12/6/2022 <br />