DocuSign Envelope ID: FA12C758-3EF4-45F3-BODF-724674D71270
<br />Provide a brief history of your company, including
<br />your company's core values, business philosophy,
<br />and industry longevity related to the requested
<br />equipment, products or services.
<br />An influential Walker survey once predicted that by 2020 customer experience will overtake
<br />price as the key differentiator for organizations. At CDW, we've always felt that to be true.
<br />From our earliest days as a classified ad for a 512K memory personal computer in the back
<br />of the newspaper in search of a customer (yes, we date all the way back to 1984, when
<br />classified ads in the newspaper were a thing) to the supplier today of integrated IT solutions
<br />for our 250,000 customers, the U.S. Census Bureau to Bemidji Area Schools.
<br />Everything we do revolves around meeting the needs of our customers. It's tied into our core
<br />values, our business philosophy, our industry longevity, our culture, everything. It's always
<br />been that way and it will always be that way. From our front-line sales to backbone support,
<br />what brings us together as a company of 9,400 coworkers is our focus on our customers
<br />and the CDW Experience they receive no matter their size or location.
<br />For any who aren't familiar with us, what's the CDW Experience? No, it's not a musical act
<br />featuring mop top haircuts and matching suits, though you might say it involves a kind of
<br />harmony.
<br />- It's first listening to our customers to find out what they need, what they want, and
<br />they wish could be, rather than merely overwhelming them with our technology catalog of
<br />100,000 products.
<br />- It's removing barriers to efficient procurement so that our customers can select
<br />technology solutions online or by phone at a price they can afford.
<br />- It's being a true trusted advisor to our customers, making them aware not only of
<br />available technology but of technology roadmaps so they can make the most informed
<br />purchases, or non -purchases as the case may be, to maximize investment at every critical
<br />decision point in the IT lifecycle.
<br />- It's offering our customers stability and security through rigorous quality control
<br />standards, such as our five ISO certifications, in procuring and delivering their IT investments
<br />to ensure their investment arrives on time, is what they ordered, and works.
<br />- It's installing and managing our customers' solution with certified technical and solution
<br />experts, either using in-house professionals with more than 6,700 technical certifications or a
<br />Trusted Partner Network of more than 1,200 partners of various size, demographic and
<br />geography.
<br />- It's responding to our customers' requests for support and management after we've
<br />already made the sale, ensuring their purchases work for them and meet all applicable
<br />standards, verifiable through custom reporting.
<br />- It's meeting our customers' demands for diversity, equality, and environmental
<br />responsibility in the supply chain by partnering with small, local, and diverse businesses,
<br />contributing to overall diverse spend in 2018 exceeding $213.
<br />From our founding to now, we've been offering the latest technology and technology
<br />solutions, keeping pace with trends every step of the way so that our customers don't have
<br />to. In the 80s it was PCs, VCRs, painter pants, and Miami Vice, and today it's integrated IT
<br />solutions, cloud technology, eSports, and avocado toast.
<br />But none of this would be possible without our incredible coworkers.
<br />The way we make it great for our customers is by making it great for our coworkers.
<br />Meaning, the reason we can commit ourselves so thoroughly to our customers is because of
<br />the culture we've built at CDW that sustains us, and the relationships we form that
<br />constantly
<br />uplift us, motivating us to try harder in delivering the CDW Experience. We empower our
<br />coworkers to be everyday bold in their careers through many programs and initiatives. Here's
<br />a select group:
<br />Commitment to Diversity
<br />CDW understands the importance of recruiting and retaining a diverse internal workforce. It
<br />starts at the top. On January 1, 2019, Christine Leahy, formerly CDW's Chief Revenue
<br />Officer and with the company since 2002, succeeded Thomas Richards as CEO, making her
<br />one of the fewer than 10% of all female Fortune 500 CEOs.
<br />We enable all of our coworkers to make solid, dependable connections in the workplace, with
<br />our customers, our supplier partners, and in the communities we serve. We encourage
<br />coworkers to take an active role in their own personal and professional development through
<br />our many mentoring, technical, and professional development groups, including African
<br />Heritage Network, Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Achievement, Women's
<br />Opportunity Network, Alliance for Business Leading Equality, and Military & Allies Resource
<br />Council networks.
<br />Community Involvement
<br />As a Fortune 500 company with resources on a global scale, and a widespread presence at
<br />the local -level, we recognize our responsibility as citizens of our local communities and the
<br />world. CDW provides coworkers volunteer opportunities, including paid volunteer time off, and
<br />organizes many charitable events, including our annual Fun Drive each July. Last year CDW
<br />and our coworkers raised nearly $700,000 for Children's Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals,
<br />helping children in our communities throughout the United States and Canada, and bringing
<br />our 30-year total to more than $8.3 million.
<br />Beyond our ongoing charitable work, when extraordinary catastrophes have occurred, CDW
<br />and our coworkers have been there to support the recovery. We have given our time and
<br />support to support those in need, including during the Indian Ocean Earthquake and
<br />Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti Earthquake, the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and
<br />Hurricane Sandy.
<br />Environmental
<br />Environmental Responsibility is a big part of our culture. Though CDW does not manufacture
<br />internal
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