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DocuSign Envelope ID: FA12C758-3EF4-45F3-BODF-724674D71270 <br /> One example of how Sourcewell members benefit from our innovative <br />services is in K-12. CDWG provides broad and diverse services such as large volume <br />Chromebook rollouts with White Glove Services, networking implementation under the a -Rate <br />program, onsite deployment of whiteboards/video solutions, physical security upgrades, and <br />Blueprint to Design TM, a value-added design service that includes classrooms, media centers, <br />cafetoriums, and STEM/STEAM labs. We can deliver all of the services requested in this RFP <br />by means of our internal coworkers, which includes engineers with precise technical expertise, <br />as well as through a network of trusted service providers with whom we have long-term, <br />ongoing relationships. Many of the services we offer are scoped on a custom basis to meet <br />the customer's specific needs. The ability to use our own coworkers as well as our network <br />of service providers gives us flexibility and deep resources to meet changing workload <br />demands. To make sure we are meeting our customers' needs, we have built a deep <br />services practice that goes above and beyond OEM requirements. For example, Cisco's <br />minimum requirement to be a Gold -Certified Partner is to have 4 Cisco Certified Internetwork <br />Experts (CCIEs) on staff. While other vendors may be able to meet Cisco's minimum <br />threshold to gain the designation, CDWG takes it further to ensure we are meeting our <br />customers' requirements <br />by staffing our services team with 63 CCIEs. <br />15 <br />If applicable, provide a detailed explanation <br />We recognize that Sourcewell members are made up of government, education, tribal nations, <br />outlining the licenses and certifications that are <br />and non-profit members. In our years of experience working with Members we've found they <br />both required to be held, and actually held, by <br />themselves don't require many licenses or certifications from IT vendor partners. Separate from <br />your organization (including third parties and <br />this, there are unique state business licenses and tax certificates found at the state, county, <br />subcontractors that you use) in pursuit of the <br />and local level. CDWG holds the applicable licenses and certifications to do business in every <br />business contemplated by this RFP. <br />state on this contract. <br />When it happens a local agency we haven't worked with before requires a license or <br />certification we may not hold, our account managers work with our Finance or Program Sales <br />team (depending on the requirement) to apply for the license. If the requirement is one we <br />do not qualify for, like a small business certification, we work with our vendor partners to <br />meet the customer's need. We also follow all applicable laws, such as prevailing wage <br />legislation. <br />For the licenses and certifications that are held by CDWG, these reflect a commitment to <br />stability and security through rigorous quality control standards. Our business succeeds in <br />part due to an understanding with our partners that we can safely procure and implement <br />their IT investments, and protect their critical information. Select quality control and technical <br />certifications held by CDWG are as follows: International Organization for Standardization <br />(ISO). ISO certified since 2001, CDWG has a mature, well-defined Quality Management <br />Systems (QMS) that includes continued compliance to the following ISO Standards: <br />- ISO 9001 — Quality Management System: Sales, configuration and support of computer <br />and related technology within both of CDW•G's Configuration Centers. <br />- ISO 28000 — Supply Chain Security Management System: The planning, delivery and <br />oversight of secure supply chain management and supporting activities in the US. <br />- ISO 27001 — Information Security Management System: Provision of product sales to <br />CDWG customers, including all backbone functions and support of computer and related <br />technology. <br />- ISO/IEC 20243 — Information Technology: Complies with the requirements in the Open <br />Trusted Technology Provider Standard (O-TTPS). <br />- ISO 14001 — Environmental Management System: The environmental activities related to <br />product/service management, inventory control, shipping, returns management, and receiving <br />for computers and related technologies, excluding the office, cafeterias and the lessee area. <br />HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act: CDWG complies with all <br />applicable HIPAA regulations, including those related to auditing. <br />SSAE16 Service Organization Controls (SOC) 1 Type 2 — CDWG Managed Services has had <br />clean, annual PCI and SAS70 Type II (and now Statement on Standards for Attestation <br />Engagements No. 16 (SSAE16)) audits since 2004. PCI Level 1 Compliance — CDW•G <br />Managed Services is audited annually for Level 1 Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance <br />which attests to the fact that our Managed Services operations and services meet requirements <br />to comply with the standards of the PCI Security Standards Council. <br />Additionally, CDW•G's certifications and knowledge -depth extend to the individual level. Our <br />coworkers hold many technical certifications to support the diverse technology solutions in our <br />catalog. Please find these in Question 69. <br />16 Provide all "Suspension or Disbarment" As of the date of this submittal, and for the prior ten years, CDWG certifies that to the best <br />information that has applied to your organization of its knowledge and belief, CDWG has not been listed by any federal or state authority as <br />during the past ten years. debarred or suspended, where such debarment or suspension would have a material and <br />adverse ability on our ability to perform hereunder. <br />City Council 7 — 27 12/6/2022 <br />