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3 <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Main Library <br />2021-2022 B F-1-21-053 <br />Page 8 <br />"Funding provided by the State of California." <br />This credit line on products of a project, such as materials, is important to <br />foster support from the public, and state funding sources. <br />c. California State Library Logo: Use of the State Library logo, which can be <br />downloaded on the California State Library website, is required on any <br />publication, vehicle wrap, or promotional material along with the above <br />statement(s). <br />d. Project Photography: Photographs and videos are a great way to document <br />your project. If obtaining still or video photography featuring members of the <br />public, Grantees should obtain a photo release form. Grantees may use their <br />organization's image release form, or contact <br />for a sample image release form. <br />Agency In the performance of this Agreerr <br />employees shall act in an independent ca <br />or agents of the State Library. The Grante4 <br />supported by the grant. Nothing in this Agre <br />agency, joint venture, employmen r any <br />the parties. The Grantee shall not re <br />for any purpose and ha <br />whatsoever. <br />4. Amendment: No ame4 <br />be valid unless made in <br />No oral und<taraa' <br />binding on ae p <br />augmentedual <br />restrictions of <br />5 <br />Applicable Law: TP <br />concerning the vali <br />Late Library grant monitor <br />3Q&ntee and its agents and <br />d nips officers, employees <br />ssoonMle for all activities <br />reates a partnership, <br />e of relationship between <br />in agent of the State Library <br />to Library in any manner <br />itJf� variailn of the terms of this Agreement shall <br />b'y the parties, and approved as required. <br />amen not incorporated into this Agreement is <br />I%Agreement may be amended, modified, or <br />nt of the parties, subject to the requirements and <br />of the State of California shall govern all proceedings <br />and operation of this Agreement and the performance <br />of the obligations imposed upon the parties hereunder. The parties hereby waive <br />any right to any other venue. The place where the Agreement is entered into <br />and place where the obligation is incurred is Sacramento County, California. <br />6. Assignment, Successors, and Assigns: The Grantee may not assign this Agreement <br />or delegate its performance to any third -party person or entity, either in whole or <br />in part, without the State Library's prior written consent. The provisions of this <br />Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the State Library, <br />the Grantee, and their respective successors and assigns. <br />7. Audit and Records Access: The Grantee agrees that the State Library, the <br />Department of General Services, the State Auditor, or their designated <br />representatives shall have the right to review, audit, inspect and copy any <br />City Council 13 — 12 12/20/2022 <br />