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TIME <br />ELEMENT <br />REF # <br />EJ <br />IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />AGENCY <br />2022 UPDATE <br />FRAME <br />Conservation <br />1.3 <br />Yes <br />Proactive engagement. Collaborate with the South Coast <br />PBA <br />2022 & <br />City's EJ Office (NEIS) has participated in meetings with UC Irvine's EcoGovLab <br />Air Quality Management District and local stakeholders in <br />Ongoing <br />and the MPNA GREEN Project and has had separate meetings with South Coast <br />environmental justice areas experiencing local air <br />Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) on their process to re-establish trust <br />pollutions issues to outline objectives and strategies for <br />in the community for using their reporting tools regarding local air pollution <br />monitoring air pollution in advance of the establishment <br />source complaints. <br />of a community emissions reduction and/or air <br />monitoring plan. <br />Conservation <br />1.5 <br />Yes <br />Agency permits. Monitor the South Coast Air Quality <br />PBA <br />2022 & <br />The City's EJ Office (NIES) created two interactive maps to provide more <br />Management District permitting and inspection process <br />Ongoing <br />information and awareness of facilities permitted by state, regional, or federal <br />and the Orange County Health Care Agency to identify <br />agencies and the environmental hazards associated with each facility. Staff have <br />businesses in Santa Ana with potential hazardous <br />provided special presentations at neighborhood meetings and special events. <br />materials or by-products, with a special focus on <br />environmental justice communities. Serve as a liaison for <br />residents to identify potential emission violations. Share <br />information and data with the community on the City's <br />Environmental Quality web page. <br />Conservation <br />1.8 <br />Yes <br />Improve older trucks. Promote the City's Vehicle <br />PWA <br />2022 <br />The City continued to replace old fleet vehicles with newer, more efficient <br />Replacement Plan and explore the replacement of older <br />vehicles. All diesel vehicles have been removed from the fleet. <br />trucks through City participation in regional incentive <br />programs and education of Santa Ana private fleet owners <br />of program opportunities. <br />Conservation <br />1.10 <br />Yes <br />Interagency team. Establish an environmental quality <br />PBA <br />2022 & <br />The City's interagency team has met to discuss high priority EJ industrial sites to <br />interagency team to evaluate, monitor, and make <br />Ongoing <br />apply land use/zoning enforcement authority to key operators in EJ areas. The <br />recommendations to address air quality and <br />City's EJ Office (NIES) has established the Environmental Resources page to <br />environmental hazard issues, with a special focus on <br />provide resources and entities responsible for air, water, lead, and other <br />environmental justice areas. Publish results and <br />environmental regulatory information, including an interactive EJ facilities map <br />information on the City's website through a dedicated <br />in Santa Ana. <br />Santa Ana Environmental Quality web page. <br />City Council 8 — 36 3/21/2023 <br />