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ELEMENT <br />REF # <br />EJ <br />IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />AGENCY <br />TIME <br />2022 UPDATE <br />FRAME <br />Conservation <br />1.11 <br />Yes <br />Public education. Augment existing outreach programs to <br />PBA/ <br />Ongoing <br />The City's EJ Office (NIES) created two interactive maps to provide more <br />improve public awareness of State, regional and local <br />PWA <br />information and awareness of facilities permitted by state, regional, or federal <br />agencies' roles and resources to identify, monitor, and <br />agencies and the environmental hazards associated with each facility. Staff have <br />address air quality and other environmental hazards in the <br />provided special presentations at neighborhood meetings and special events. <br />community. <br />Conservation <br />1.14 <br />Yes <br />Expanded interactions. Identify opportunities to expand <br />PBA/ <br />Ongoing <br />The City's EJ Office (NIES) has provided additional support to EJ neighborhoods <br />regular attendance and support neighborhood <br />CMO <br />to pursue grant funding and training to expand participation in their <br />associations and community groups to hold regular <br />neighborhood association and collaborate with community groups on special <br />meetings with City staff and decision -makers in <br />funding in EJ areas. Bilingual support provided at Planning for 2023 capacity - <br />neighborhoods within environmental justice <br />building training that covered new role on EJ resources. <br />communities, so that residents, community organizations <br />and businesses can communicate their unique issues and <br />needs, as well as their recommendations on how best to <br />implement environmental quality, environmental health, <br />and environmental justice policies. Arrange for language <br />interpretation services as needed at these meetings so <br />that all residents can participate. <br />Conservation <br />1.15 <br />Yes <br />Expanded representation. Expand representation of <br />PBA/ <br />Ongoing <br />EJ neighborhoods have been included in opportunities to participate in <br />residents from neighborhoods within environmental <br />CIVIC) <br />representation on boards, commissions, and task forces. <br />justice area boundaries by extending residents from such <br />areas to become board, commission, and task force <br />members as openings occur <br />Conservation <br />1.16 <br />Yes <br />City budget. Evaluate the City's budget and financial <br />CMO <br />Annually <br />Staff worked with the City's Budget Manager to schedule a segment of <br />policies to include direction for prioritizing public services <br />community budget meetings in EJ areas, provide interpretation in English/ <br />and improvements within environmental justice area <br />Spanish, and bring translated material to ensure community members could <br />boundaries. Augment budget meeting presentations to <br />fully participate in the City budget process. <br />include a section dedicated to the status of actions and <br />improvements to address the needs of residents within <br />environmental justice area boundaries. <br />Conservation <br />1.18 <br />No <br />Support transit. Support local and regional land use and <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />Continued to support local and regional land use and transportation plans that <br />transportation plans that increase mass transit usage and <br />increase mass transit usage and reduce vehicle trips. <br />reduce vehicle trips. <br />City Council 8 — 37 3/21/2023 <br />