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ELEMENT <br />REF # <br />EJ <br />IMPLEMENTATION ACTION <br />AGENCY <br />TIME <br />2022 UPDATE <br />FRAME <br />Mobility <br />4.5 <br />Yes <br />Citywide Design Guidelines update. Update the Citywide <br />PBA/ <br />2022- <br />Funding was secured for the comprehensive update of the Zoning Code. The <br />Design Guidelines to strengthen pedestrian and cyclist <br />PWA <br />2027 <br />update will include analyzing and, if appropriate, updating the Citywide Design <br />linkages to development centers and residential <br />Guidelines. In 2022, PBA drafted an RFP to solicit services to begin the <br />neighborhoods and coordinate on -site landscape with <br />community engagement phase of the project and drafting of the update. The <br />public realm landscaping. <br />RFP is scheduled to be released early 2023. <br />Mobility <br />5.8 <br />Yes <br />Air quality improvements. Participate in inter- <br />PBA/ <br />2021- <br />NIES staff established a working relationship with the US Attorney's Office' with <br />jurisdictional efforts to promote improvements in air <br />PWA <br />2035 <br />the Department of Justice, appointed EJ Coordinator of the Central District - <br />quality and to meet state and federal mandates through <br />Amanda Bettinelli and engaged with CARB and SCAQMD jurisdictions to identify <br />advanced technology and TDM programs <br />processes for improving the quality of the air from concentrated industrial and <br />manufacturing areas adjacent to residential uses. <br />Mobility <br />1.1 <br />No <br />Cross -agency collaboration. Coordinate with external <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />Continued to coordinate with external agencies to address the impacts of new <br />agencies to address the impacts of new regional <br />regional transportation projects on the local network and accommodate <br />transportation projects on the local network and <br />complete street practices. <br />accommodate complete street practices. <br />Mobility <br />1.2 <br />No <br />MPAH. Coordinate with external agencies to ensure the <br />PWA <br />2022- <br />Continued to work with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to <br />OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways accommodates <br />2035 <br />ensure the OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways accommodates the City's <br />current and future demand for all users while prioritizing <br />current and future needs. <br />the safety of people utilizing non -automobile modes of <br />transportation. <br />Mobility <br />1.4 <br />No <br />Reduce collisions. Minimize parking from arterial streets <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />In 2022, the City began the update of Vision Zero plan. <br />to reduce vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian conflicts. <br />Mobility <br />1.5 <br />No <br />Capital Improvement Program. Prepare the annual <br />PWA <br />Annually <br />Continued to prepare the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to meet <br />Capital Improvement Program that corresponds with the <br />the City's General Plan goals and implementation actions. <br />City's general plan goals and implementation actions <br />Mobility <br />1.6 <br />No <br />Asset Management database. Explore the benefits of an <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />The City utilized an asset management database for maintenance of stormwater <br />asset management database to coordinate ongoing <br />assets and reporting. <br />maintenance of streets, parkway and the public realm <br />Mobility <br />1.7 <br />No <br />Transportation network safety. Continue ITS to provide <br />PWA <br />Ongoing <br />Continued ITS to provide enhanced safety and efficiency features on the <br />enhanced safety and efficiency features on the <br />transportation network, including traffic signal synchronization. <br />transportation network, including traffic signal <br />synchronization. <br />27 <br />City Council 8 — 57 3/21/2023 <br />