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AUTHORITIES <br />6. Authority for the FBI to enter into this agreement can be found at Title 28, United <br />States Code (U.S.C.), Section (§) 533; 34 U.S.C. § 10211; Title 28, Code of Federal <br />Regulations (C.F.R.), § 0.85; and applicable United States Attorney General's <br />Guidelines. <br />ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE <br />7. The CITF is currently comprised of supervisors and analytical staff from the FBI and <br />other states' departments of correction and law enforcement agencies, including FBI <br />contractually hired subject matter experts. Both Parties may assign personnel to the <br />CITF, to include contractually hired personnel. Newly assigned personnel to the CITF <br />must be agreed upon by both parties. Assigned personnel must meet and be able to <br />obtain the proper clearances for access to the Information and databases granted by <br />both Parties. Both Parties agree either directly or through the assigned personnel to <br />provide requested information to meet those clearances. <br />8. The day-to-day supervision and administrative control of the City or FBI personnel <br />assigned to the CITF will be retained by the respective Party. Responsibility for <br />personnel conduct, both personally and professionally, shall remain with the personnel's <br />agency. Each Party shall be responsible for the actions of its respective employees. <br />Each Party has the discretion to add, remove or change its personnel assigned to the <br />CITF. <br />9, The City will brief any CSA staff assigned to the CITF on relevant City policies and <br />procedures. The FBI will brief all staff assigned to the City and CITF on relevant FBI <br />policies and procedures. <br />10. The CITF is a multi -agency operation with each agency acting as a partner. The City will <br />designate a CITF point of contact (POC). The POC will work with the CITF to address <br />CITF policy, operations, personnel, equipment, program progress, and performance <br />measurements. <br />INFORMATION SHARING <br />11. The intelligence and data to be shared is covered in the accompanying Data Sharing <br />Agreement, which is included herewith as Addendum A. The intelligence collected and <br />any data (such as analytical products) produced by the CITF based on the intelligence <br />collected will be shared with all participants in the CITF. CITF intelligence and data may <br />be considered confidential under federal or the CSA State law. <br />12. Intelligence provided by the City to the CITF will be at the discretion of the City. The FBI <br />will provide data to the City through the CITF for its use as allowed in this MOU and <br />accompanying Data Sharing Agreement. <br />13. The Parties acknowledge that the intelligence and data involved in this MOU may <br />identify U.S. persons, whose information is protected by the City, state and federal laws, <br />including the Privacy Act of 1974 and Executive Order 12333 (or any successor <br />FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY <br />'Phis document is the property of tile FBI and file City. <br />Neither it nor its contents may be released without nuihomation by the FBI and the City. <br />