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(PARTI <br />{The above pdfay torn may be Issued to aNmd wirer Standand Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition, to dhe above ExdusJorea {mmCavemge, <br />are Fxaptil from Coverage in a Standard Coverage poky wall also hldude the following Exceptions from Coverage: ; . <br />1. (a) Taxes or assesanenk thow ot am not shown as misting Ilene by the mcards Of any taxing authority that levieDtowm .or.assmonnim o on reel <br />property or by the Public Records; (b) proaedngs by a pubtia agency that may reach lit taxes or asaeasmenle, or mouse of such proceed ril <br />Whether or no ehe=by the reams of such agency or by the Public Records. %. . <br />2. Any facts, lights, IMert ais, or claims that era not shown by the Pubdo Records but that could be asanslned by an.lasp ictionaf tge.tend vrlbov. <br />may be asserted by feemons Inpasessian of fhe Land. , <br />a. Easements. Ilene or encumbrances, or claim thereof, not shown by the public Reams. <br />4. Any encroachment enmmmrance, violation, variation, or edrema droumatowe offering the ?die tha .would b;6-' clgBdj by; an:dccuram epd: c <br />complete land survey afthe Land and not shown by the Public Records. <br />6. (a) Unpaterded mining claims; (b) reservations or axoeptiew in patonk or In Acte eutunlzfng the Issuance thereof, (a) Water rlohle, claims or 0%10 <br />water, whether or not the maere exaplad under (a), (b).Or are ahoWn by the Public Roarde. <br />e. Any pan or dght toa lion for eemloee, "OF Of Malawi net shown by de Public Records.) <br />PART II ., , .. .. <br />In addition to the madam set form in Pad I of this Schedule, the Tige is sub)ect to the following mattere, and tie Company Insures against fwe of <br />damage sustaired In me event that MY are not subordln* to the Ken more Insured Mortgagal <br />2006ALTAOWNER'$POLICY (06.17-06) <br />EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE <br />The f emMu t paatteers m exby opn eresely excluded from the coverage of this Pndryf., and -the Company will not pay loss m danSeba; odela,"expenedomeye' lees, or <br />1, (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, at govommerdal mgUletion including those totaling to budding and aroning) resbktirhg, regulating, prohlbiing, Or <br />relating to <br />W the occupancy, use, or BPJoyment of the Land; <br />01) the character, dimensions. orecagon Of argl improvement cooled an the Lend;.. <br />010 the subdivision of land; or <br />ov) erMminmntal prows <br />cur the adeq of any violation of governmental Iowa, ordinances, or regulations. TNs Exdusiw 7(a) dws riot modlynr'ravemge <br />provided under Covered Riak 6.- - <br />(b) Any governmeMM police power. This aeluslon 1(b) does not modlry orllmil the coverage provided rattler CohreMdRIskB <br />2. Rights ofemmont domain. This Exclusion does not modfym'Kmdtmcfyorli itthe cderage Povemd und7 era <D^ ,cp. •;r er--�.,�,. <br />a. Defeats, hens, ancumbrances, adverse claims, or olhermalrem <br />(a) traded, sanded, assumed, cur egmal coo bythe Insraed Claimant: ry !•. ✓ : •::r, ,•; eri •,:;• :. . <br />(b) nm blown to the Compaq, not reardetl M the Publlo Reams at Dam of Pa0cy, bra Known to the Insured•GalmaM.argknbtdado6etl•In <br />wrNng to me Conrparry by the Insured Clehnem Eder to the dale the dmured Cleimard Insured under thtaPdticq;_,+:: ^ • : :.;, _r _: , -. <br />{c) meuldng in no lose ndamege Io.IFn Insured ClBimanb ' -' -"' <br />(d) attarmlrg or seated ahmsaqueM te pate oFPollry (howemn rate does nm mad' orllmitdte cmrera Y <br />or <br />dY tie pravldedvndar CoxaredRlsk gandl�; <br />(eJ resulting In loss cur damage mat Would not have peen 9ueialnea d the Insured ClatmaM had paid vatubTorlhe'TiKe:: y� - �.:? •:� r <br />a. Any clelmh, by reason of the operation m federal damwptoy, state dnsolvenry, or abNlbr cmdlWm' tights laws, Bret the.fremeodoa vealing-Ike.:Tlge <br />as mown in SahBtlUIB A, N <br />is) a taudutanl arnveyanoa m fraudulent lranefer; m . " . <br />(b) a preferendel lrensfertor ally reason notataled In Covered Rlek g afaria policy. - : .r / <br />6. Army gam an the TIKB far real estete taxes or aesessmeMa imposed Mr gwemmenlal aUthonty and coaled or adaching bebaeen Dak ofPulkyahtl <br />time data of recording mtha deed oromm aabum6nt mramfer in mho Public Records ihPt vests MID as shown In Schedule A. <br />The above pogq farm may be Issued to afford either Standard Coverage or Extended Coverage. In addition to the above Excepions from Ccvarsge,.tha <br />Exception tam Coverage in a ftrolord Coverage policy will also Include the following ExwpKom from Coverage: i <br />EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE , <br />Thk pogry does not insure againt loss m tlamago, and tfh"Oom'pany wlK nat pay costs, attorneys' fees are <br />that @ilati by f4eean af.^ - <br />{The above pdiq mar maybe Iseuetl to egad either Stanc M Coverage cur Eeanded Coverage. In addtion te the abpwe EticNatans frdm Cowmge, <br />the Ehtoepuons flnm Coverage k a Standard Cwerege-pallq vAll also Include are allowing Exception from were' <br />i, (a) Taxes or easesynan6 mat am net shwa as axhim Ikelie by the reaarde m any taring eulhodgr mat tevles taxer d asgaasltt'dn.. an eel <br />pwlmethe, <br />he o not ehoxh in ante gam <br />a agency cur by the Public <br />Recordamay result In taxes or aesesemenU or nrtgoeB w aubn Prp eeall�s, .. . <br />2. Arty facts, dghis, Immeats, m doma that ere nm shown th the Public Reams but that could he aswdatrred b� art fn9pec'ddn of ii+e' [end'c'ylhrtl' <br />mey be assaded by person th Downes." mtha LerM. - <br />a. Easemams, Ilene m acumtxanms, or claims Ihemed rot crown by tie Pool Ramos. <br />a. Arcy encmsohmeM, encumbrarxs, vitiation, varmdon, or adverse drcumetance affecting the TRe that anx4l be dlsdosad by a'n aocurdfa and <br />complete land survey mlhe Landand ghat am not shown by me Pub0c Records. <br />& (a) Unpatenleq mining Galata; @) msanrodana m excepton 6h potente or In Acts authorizing the issuance mareat (d) meter rights, dolma aroma to <br />water, W hether or not lha mettersexcepted under (a), (b), or (o) are shown by the Public Records, _ <br />6. Anygen or right to a lien far services, labor ormaterial not shaven by Khe public Records. ) <br />7. {Variable exceptlen such as texas, easomems, CCRR% eta, shown hem.) <br />maerved. <br />The use <br />express <br />atandng as of the date of use. AS other uses are prohl6lfed. Reprinted. undet Iftbde of <br />