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Proposal to the City of Santa Ana for On -Call Environmental Services <br />analysis, historical archaeology, and lithic debitage identification. She is well versed in impact <br />assessment and development of mitigation measures for CEQA and Section 106 projects, <br />including on -call and task -order based contracts. Her previous experience as a CEQA/NEPA <br />Project Manager gives her a broader perspective of regulatory compliance issues, and she is <br />recognized by the private and public sector for her ability to build consensus among <br />stakeholders and solve complex problems quickly and effectively. She has a M.A. in <br />Anthropology form Eastern New Mexico University and a B.A. in Anthropology from the <br />University of Iowa. She is also a County of Orange Qualified Archaeologist. <br />Stacie Tennant— Biological Studies Task Manager (ECORP) <br />Ms. Tennant has 24 years of experience as a Wildlife Biologist/Project Manager. She has <br />extensive experience in conducting and coordinating sensitive species surveys; focused <br />surveys for Threatened/ Endangered plant and wildlife species; reconnaissance surveys; and <br />habitat evaluations for Endangered, Threatened, and sensitive floral and faunal species; <br />processing resource agency permits; and managing projects for multiple industries including <br />transportation, water, electric utilities, and private development. She is experienced at <br />implementation of field programs to track, report, and support compliance requirements and <br />mitigation measures. Ms. Tennant is well versed in multiple species Habitat Conservation Plans <br />(HCPs) including the Orange County Central/Coastal Natural Communities Conservation Plan <br />(NCCP)/HCP, the Southern Subregion HCP, the Western Riverside County Multiple Species <br />Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), and the San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Plan <br />(MSCP). Her education includes a B.S. in Environmental Biology with a Minor in Chemistry <br />from California State University at Northridge. <br />John O'Connor, Ph.D., RPA— Cultural/Historic Resources Studies Task Manager <br />(ECORP) <br />Dr. O'Connor is a Registered Professional Archaeologist with over 11 years of archaeological <br />experience in North America and the Pacific Islands, experience that includes cultural resources <br />management, academic research, museum collections management, and university teaching. <br />Dr. O'Connor meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for <br />prehistoric and historic archaeology. Dr. O'Connor has extensive archaeological field <br />experience, including exploratory and inventory survey, feature mapping, subsurface testing, <br />data recovery, artifact analysis, lithic analysis, remote sensing data capture, geospatial data <br />processing, underwater archaeology, and scientific diving. He is well versed in the evaluation of <br />impacts to cultural resources for CEQA and NHPA Section 106 projects, and he has written or <br />otherwise contributed to numerous environmental compliance documents throughout the <br />Southern California region. His education includes a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University <br />of Oregon, and an M.A. in Anthropology and a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of <br />Hawaii at Manoa. He is also a County of Orange Qualified Archaeologist. <br />Seth Myers — Air Quality/Noise/Energy Task Manager (ECORP) <br />With 17 years of experience as an environmental planner and air quality, greenhouse gas <br />(GHG), and noise analyst, Mr. Myers is involved in the preparation of a full range of CEQA and <br />NEPA environmental compliance and review documents including environmental impact <br />reports. He has extensive expertise conducting air quality, GHG emissions, and noise analyses <br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. October2l, 2021 ■ 8 <br />F%kiR0va1ey'1u ( ONSucrANfl P21-590 <br />