Proposal to the City of Santa Ana for On -Call Environmental Services (RFP 21-105)
<br />and has a comprehensive working knowledge of the associated regulatory environment. He is
<br />proficient in the use of CalEEMOd, EMFAC2014, AERMOD, the Roadway Construction Model,
<br />the Federal Highway Administration's Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model, and other
<br />industry standard emissions and noise modeling tools. Mr. Myers has a B.A. in Environmental
<br />Studies and Planning (minor in Biology) from Sonoma State University,
<br />Andrew Kopania, Ph.D., R.G., C.H. — Water Resources Specialist (ECORP)
<br />Dr. Kopania's 28 years of experience in subsurface investigation, hydrogeology, and
<br />environmental engineering, including computer modeling of contaminant fate and transport,
<br />permitting and environmental impact assessment (CEQA/NEPA), expert witness services,
<br />investigation and remediation of contaminated soils and ground water, CERCLA RI/FS and
<br />RD/RA, and extensive experience in negotiations with state and federal agencies. Dr. Kopania
<br />has served as lead hydrogeologist, project manager, and technical advisor on a wide range of
<br />projects throughout California and North America. He holds a D. Env. in Environmental Science
<br />and Engineering from UCLA, an M.S. in Geology from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor,
<br />and a B.S. in Geology from UCLA. He is also Professional Geologist, California #4711 and a
<br />Certified Hydrogeologist, California #31.
<br />John Jay Roberts, PG, CEG - Geotechnical/Hazardous Materials Task Manager (Ninyo &
<br />Moore)
<br />Mr. Roberts, PG, CEG, will serve as our Environmental Geologist for our environmental
<br />services. Mr. Roberts has over 45 years of experience performing environmental and
<br />geotechnical investigations of public, commercial, and industrial properties and environmental
<br />site assessments of government -owned sites, including initial site assessments (ISAs),
<br />Hazardous Materials Assessments (HMAs), Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs),
<br />Phase II ESAs, Preliminary Environmental Assessments (PEA), Remedial Action Plans. Mr.
<br />Roberts was the Senior Geologist for Ninyo & Moore's Phase II ES] and RA (2015-16) for the
<br />Los Angeles Department of Transportation, Downtown Compressed Natural Gas and Bus
<br />Maintenance Facility. Mr. Roberts has completed characterization, remediation, and human
<br />health assessments on numerous public properties. He has prepared successful applications for
<br />brownfields clean-up grants and managed and performed hydrogeologi investigations,
<br />groundwater resource evaluations, and water supply studies. He also provides expert witness
<br />and litigation support for environmental, geotechnical, and mining matters. He has a B.S. in
<br />Geology from University of Southern California and is a Professional Geologist (CA #3489) and
<br />a Certified Engineering Geologist (CA #1018).
<br />Frank Barrera — Traffic Study Task Manager (KOA)
<br />Mr. Barrera has 14 years of experience in the transportation planning field and has prepared
<br />and managed traffic impact studies, parking studies, circulation and mobility studies, bikeway
<br />improvement projects, feasibility studies, and active transportation projects for public and private
<br />developments throughout Southern California. His academic and work experience provides him
<br />with a background in ArcGIS for mapping, and research & analysis. He has conducted and
<br />managed bicycle corridor analysis, GIS database development and analysis, development of
<br />analysis criteria and methodology strategies, and coordinated with local jurisdictions and project
<br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. October2l, 2021 ■ 9
<br />EN\ IRON sIEvr.n L CONS a I,I ANT$ P21-590
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