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Proposal to the City of Santa Ana for On -Call Environmental Services (RFP 21-105) <br />Scope of Services and Schedule <br />This section provides ECORP's approach to providing environmental services and managing <br />schedules applicable to right of way specialty work. Our overall approach is to provide <br />environmental compliance services that meet the following goals: <br />♦ Concise, well -written technical documents that analyze environmental issues and provide <br />feasible mitigation measures agreed upon by City staff <br />♦ High -quality CEQA and NEPA documents that are easily understandable by the public <br />and decision makers and meet the requirements of outside agencies, if needed <br />♦ Delivery of services on time and within budget <br />CEQA/NEPA Environmental Documentation Services <br />ECORP has a highly qualified group of in-house professionals with over 20 years of experience <br />in preparing environmental documents that comply with both CEQA and NEPA, including <br />IS/MNDs, EIRs, Categorical or Statutory Exemptions, Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), <br />Environmental Assessments (EA), Categorical Exclusions (CE), Findings of No Significant <br />Impact (FONSI), and joint CEQA/NEPA documents. ECORP's environmental specialists <br />regularly synthesize technical studies provided by specialty suboonsultants (e.g., traffic, <br />hazardous waste, geotechnical/soils, hydrology/floodplain) into the respective sections of <br />environmental documents. They are also experienced in conducting detailed Alternatives <br />Analysis, Addendum and Supplemental/Subsequent CEQA/NEPA documentation, noticing, <br />public outreach (including Spanish -English bilingual <br />services), and preparing the administrative record. <br />Bilingual Outreach <br />Our CEQA and NEPA document expertise extends to <br />facilitating the public participation component of these <br />processes. Our technical staff includes <br />English/Spanish bilingual personnel, and we often <br />include the English/Spanish translation of public <br />notices and other public information materials as part of the environmental process. <br />ECORP Consulting, Inc. October2l, 2021 ■ 22 <br />ENVIRONNENI'.AL CONSULTANTS P21-590 <br />