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DocuSign Envelope IO, FC7E9348^8A22-4923•B005-AA3CA0439841 <br />Task 5. $coping Meeting <br />Dudek will work with City staff to organize and participate In a scoping meeting to solicit public Input on <br />the scope of the EiR or EIR/EIS. We will work with City staff to determine the most appropriate format for <br />the scoping meeting (Le., open house or community presentation) and prepare all materials necessary for <br />the scoping meeting (e,g.. PowerPoint presentation, comment cards, sign -In sheets, handouts, poster <br />boards), We will provide a translation of notices and materials into Spanish, if necessary. <br />Task b. Admintstrative Draft EIR <br />The EIR or EIR/EIS will include a discussion of the existing physical and regulatory setting and 'impact <br />analysts, including methodology and thresholds, mitigation measures, and residual Impacts following <br />the implementation of the mitigation measures. As described, the impact analysis will focus on the <br />environmental issues that are determined to result in potentially significant impacts during the NOP or <br />NOP/NOI and scoping processes, The impact analysis will be based on CEQA Guidelines Appendix G <br />and the latest,guidancefrom the City. The impact analysis will be based on both quantitative and <br />qualitative- analysis, and may require the preparation of technical studies or the synthesis of existing <br />available studies to support the analysis. <br />The EIR or EIR/EIS will include all required content pursuant to GEONNEPA, including an alternatives <br />analysis, cumulative impacts analysis, and an assessment of growth inducing Impacts. Dudek will work <br />closely with the City (and as necessary, the federal lead agency) to identify and screen a reasonable <br />range of alternatives for analysis in the EIR or EIR/EIS. These alternativesWillbe based on their ability <br />to feasibly attain most of the project objectives white avoiding or substantially lessening the potentially <br />significant environmental impacts of the proposed project.. The cumulative impacts analysis will focus <br />on the potential for environmental impacts from this project, along with other proposed and reasonably <br />foreseeable projects In the area. The list of cumulative projects will be developed in coordination with <br />City staff. The projeo's contribution to the overall cumulative baseline will be evaluated and discussed, <br />and cumulatively considerableimpacts will be Identified, We will also summarize the;signlficant <br />unavoidable impacts resulting from the project, and will identify any significant irreversible changes and <br />Irretrievable commitments of the environment, and wilt provide an explanation of issues found not to be <br />significant during the IS process, as well as effects that were studied In the EIR that were determined to. <br />be less than significant. <br />We will submit the administrative draft EIR, or EIR/EIS, to the City (and federal lead agency) for review. <br />Following the teview.of the dooument by City staff (and federal lead agency) and the Incorporation of <br />any comments and revisions requested, we will prepare a public draft E113:for public review. <br />Tasks 7. Preparation and Transmittal of Public Review Draft EiR or Elk/EIS <br />Dudek will work with City staff to secure a mailing list, and preparethe notice of availability and <br />appropriate transmittal letters. Dudek will also prepare the notice of completion (for State <br />Clearinghouse Involvement) and;post the notice of availability with the County Clerk, Dudek will <br />distribute the documents to the approved mailing list in both hardcopy and CD format, as directed by <br />City staff. Document distribution will use certified mail,. regular mail, and FedEx or other form of <br />distribution that can provide tracking records. We will also coordinate with federal agency staff for <br />publication of the notice in the Federal Register, provide draft notices for distribution to area <br />newspapers, and provide electronic versions suitable for posting to the City's website. <br />On -Call Environmental Services RFP# 21-105 --24 <br />