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Proposal to provide <br />Landscape Architectural Design Services for 10th and Flower Park — RFP No. 22-124 <br />L.2 - Technical Specifications <br />DEA will prepare technical specifications for each of the park components in CSI book format. DEA will <br />combine the specifications with City -provided boiler plate information such as general conditions, special <br />provisions, notice inviting bids etc. <br />Deliverables: Preparation of technical specifications as noted above. <br />L.3 — Final Opinion of Probable Cost <br />The project team will prepare a final construction cost estimate in a per unit basis (or lump sum) of proposed <br />park improvements once the construction documents have been completed to 100%. This format will directly <br />match the contractor bid schedule for ease of comparison. The estimate will be in tabular form for each <br />construction item indicating quantity, unit, unit price and total cost. Although the contractor will be responsible <br />for the preparation of the SWPPP, DEA will include this item in the cost estimate. <br />Deliverables: Construction cost estimate as noted above. <br />LA - Plan Submittals, Approval Process, and Permitting <br />The construction documents will be prepared in accordance with the California Building Code and ADA. <br />PS&E's will be submitted to the City for review and approval and will be signed by a licensed professional as <br />appropriate. <br />Deliverables: Submittal, review, and revisions associated with obtaining project approval as noted above. <br />BID ADVERTISEMENT, CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION AND RECORD DRAWINGS <br />M.1 — Bid Advertisement (Optional) <br />DEA will attend the pre -bid meeting and will provide responses to bid RFI's, assist with answering questions <br />and providing clarification if conflicts arise. Each item will be reviewed by the City prior to release of <br />information. <br />Deliverables: Attendance at pre -bid meeting and bid assistance as noted above. <br />M.2 — Construction Administration (Optional) <br />DEA's construction management team will answer questions, review submittals, shop drawings and schedules <br />required to be submitted by the contractor for conformance with the design plans and specifications. The DEA <br />team will review and respond to RFI's and clarifications during construction within five calendar days of receipt. <br />DEA will complete shop drawing reviews within two weeks of receipt and contract change order reviews <br />shall be completed within two working days of receipt. We understand that the City will handle the day to day <br />construction management process. <br />DEA has anticipated the hours denoted in the fee schedule for each of the respective disciplines. Please note <br />that this task shall require compensation on a time and materials basis in accordance with the level of effort <br />required / desired. The fees for this task are shown for budgetary purposes only and shall be determined prior <br />to the start of construction to allow the City to decide how best to utilize the DEA team resources along with <br />their own staffing. At this time, it is difficult to determine the level of effort for the tasks listed and therefore we <br />recommend negotiating this task once the contractor has been selected and prior to construction. <br />M.3 — Record Drawings /As Built Plans (Optional) <br />Utilizing General Contractor field marked plans provided by the City, DEA will incorporate as built information <br />into the drawing files such that we can provide the City with electronic 'Record Drawings'. <br />Deliverables: One set of electronic as built plans based on contractor provided redlines. <br />David Evans and Associates, Inc. I February 28, 2023 1 15 <br />