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Monitoring of Progress <br />Progress reports are reviewed on the 5th of every month by Director, Instructor, and student. During the first <br />increment (25%) of the program, a minimum of 80% of the attempted clock hours and "C" average (70%) are <br />required. If the minimums are not achieved, the student will be placed on academic or attendance probation or <br />both, if applicable. The second increment is reviewed at 50% of the program, which requires a minimum of 80% <br />of the attempted clock hours and "C" average (70%). If the minimums are not achieved, the student will be <br />placed on probation for 30 days. If unsuccessful, the student will be terminated from the program. <br />Academic and Attendance Probation, Warning and Dismissal <br />Students who fail to comply with the standard of attendance or satisfactory academic progress will be placed <br />on probation and given written notification/warning of their probationary standing. One or more of the following <br />may determine unacceptable progress assessment: <br />• Poor attendance (see Daily Attendance) <br />• Below academic standing <br />• Unsatisfactory mastery of pertinent skills <br />Students who are placed on probation will be notified in writing that they are being placed on academic <br />probation, which will begin at the start of the next module. Students on probation will be considered to be making <br />satisfactory academic progress if at the end of the probation period, their cumulative average is 70% or higher. <br />If a student falls below the standards set by the Institute, a consultation between the student and the Instructors) <br />and/or the Program Coordinator will be scheduled. At this time arrangements will be made to re-establish <br />satisfactory progress through makeup work and/or tutorial sessions. Within thirty (30) days, all missed course <br />work and/or time is to be made up, to be removed from probation/ warning status. <br />If after the thirty (30) days probation period the student continues to fall below the specified requirements of <br />satisfactory academic progress, the student will then be dismissed from the program. <br />Grading System <br />Any assignment not submitted timely or any test missed will be marked as an, 'incomplete." Students are <br />allowed five (5) school days to make up a missed test or an Incomplete assignment — it must be turned in to the <br />Instructor to be approved. If the student does not submit the assignment or complete a test that the student has <br />missed within five (5) school days, a grade of an "F" will be submitted automatically. <br />The grading system is as follows: <br />T (Transfer Credit) Credit <br />W Withdrawal <br />10 <br />