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Academic Reinstatement <br />Students failing a module must retake that module in order to continue the program. Repeating the module may <br />not exceed 150% of the program length. A failed module may only be retaken once. A student may re -enroll at <br />a later date if authorized by the instructor and School Director (and Career Counselor, if applicable). To re - <br />enroll, the student must submit a written request for re -admittance to the School Director. The student will be <br />notified of his/her re -admittance status within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the written request. Students <br />who are re -admitted must sign a new Enrollment Agreement and will receive credit only for courses in which a <br />2.0 GPA was received. The time attended is counted towards maximum time frame. <br />Appeal Process <br />Students who wish to appeal the determination of satisfactory progress probation; a grade, a suspension or a <br />dismissal must submit a letter to the office of the Chief Executive Officer. A two -person committee appointed <br />by the Director will make an appeal recommendation. The appeal process may occur only once, and any <br />decision shall be deemed final. The committee will notify the student within forty-eight (48) hours regarding the <br />course of action recommended. The appeal process may be denied in cases of drug -alcohol use/possession, <br />carrying a concealed weapon, or physical violence. <br />Satisfactory Academic Progress Guidelines <br />Satisfactory progress is expected of each student to remain in school. Satisfactory progress is determined by <br />the following criteria: <br />• Maintaining a 2.0 grade -point average, which is an indication of successful academic performance as <br />measured by passing examinations with 70% accuracy or better, timely completion of assignments, <br />acceptable performance of pertinent skills, and not to exceed Maximum Time Frame or 150% of normal <br />program length. <br />• Achieving the minimum number of semester credits <br />• Meeting standards specified on probation agreement <br />• Meeting the specified conditions for incomplete, withdrawals, or probation status <br />• Tutoring is available upon student request and scheduling to help students meet these guidelines <br />If a student falls below the criteria listed above, a consultation with a school official will be scheduled. The <br />student will receive a written notice of probation. Any student, whose training has been interrupted for academic <br />reasons, or administrative withdrawals, may be reviewed for reinstatement. Request must be in writing and <br />submitted to the Campus Director. HealthStaff Training Institute does not offer non-credit, remedial courses, or <br />non -punitive grades on satisfactory progress. <br />Plagiarism Policy <br />HSTi considers academic honesty to be of the highest value. Students are expected to be the sole authors of <br />their work. Examples of dishonesty or unethical behavior: <br />• Copying and pasting text from online media. <br />• Copying and pasting text from any web site. <br />• Transcribing text from any printed material such as books, magazines, journals, and encyclopedias. <br />• Using another student's work and claiming it as your own, even with permission from the other student. <br />Any time you quote, summarize or paraphrase; you must acknowledge the original source. <br />Maximum Time Frame for Program Completion <br />All students are required to complete their program within a maximum time. (All programs must be completed <br />within 150% times the normal duration of time required to complete the program). A Leave of Absence is not <br />counted in the maximum time frame. *A student who exceeds the maximum time frame prior to completion of <br />the program "will be dropped"' from the program. <br />Graduation Requirements <br />To graduate, students are required to complete a prescribed course of study with a cumulative grade point <br />average (CGPA) of 2.0 (C), have 80% attendance, and if applicable, the required clinical externship hours with <br />11 <br />