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satisfactory evaluation or assessment within the maximum time frame. Graduates will obtain "OFFICAL" <br />Transcripts when the course and financial requirements are met. <br />A full discharge of all financial obligations to the school is expected when the "OFFICAL" Transcripts are <br />requested. Students completing these requirements will receive a certificate of completion in their program of <br />study. Stamped "UNOFFICIAL" Transcripts can be provided to the student with a note of unpaid financial <br />obligations to the school. If the student has defaulted on his or her financial obligations, the school may also <br />specify this on the academic transcript. <br />Students Right to Cancel I Withdrawal and Dismissal <br />A student has the right to cancel his or her enrollment agreement for a program of instruction, without any <br />penalty or obligations, through attendance at the first-class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, <br />whichever is later. After the end of the cancellation period, the student also has the right to stop school at any <br />time and has the right to receive a pro rats refund if the student has completed 60% or less of the program, <br />Cancellation may occur when the student provides a written notice of cancellation to the school, or by the <br />student's conduct, including, but not necessarily limited to, a student's lack of attendance. The written notice of <br />cancellation, if sent by mail, is effective when deposited in the mail properly addressed with proper postage. <br />The written notice of cancellation need not take any particular form and, however expressed, it is effective if It <br />shows that the student no longer wishes to be bound by the Enrollment Agreement. Enrollment time is defined <br />as the time between the actual starting date and the date of the student's last day of physical attendance in <br />school. The student's refund rights are described in the contract. If the school closes before you graduate, you <br />may be entitled to a refund, teach -out, or transfer depending upon the school's closure plan. <br />Determination of Official Withdrawal from School <br />A student's official withdrawal date is determined by the date the student submitted notification to withdraw to a <br />school director, the date the student was expelled or dismissed from school, or the earlier of the scheduled <br />return from leave of absence or the date the student notifies the school that he/she is not returning. <br />Refund Policy <br />HSTi refund policy for the return for unearned institutional charges is as follows: If the student cancels an <br />enrollment agreement or withdraws during a period of attendance the refund policy for students who <br />have completed 60 percent or less of the period of attendance shall be a pro-rata refund. Any money <br />due to the applicant or student shall be refunded within forty-five (45) days of formal cancellation by the student. <br />Students who are terminated by the school shall receive a refund within forty-five (45) days from the student <br />withdrawal date. In the case of a failure to return from a leave of absence, the student shall receive a refund <br />within forty-five (45) days after the expected date of return. <br />Distance Learning Program: <br />Students in the Distance Learning Program have the right to cancel the agreement and receive a full refund <br />before the first lesson and materials are received. Cancellation is effective on the date written notice of <br />cancellation is sent. If the institution sent the first lesson and material before an effective cancellation notice <br />was received, the Institution will make the refund within 45 days after the student returns any materials sent. <br />a. Has fully paid for the educational program; and <br />b. After having received the first lesson and initial materials, requests in writing that all of the materials be sent. <br />However, if HealthStaff Training Institute has provided the balance of the material as the student requests, the <br />school shall remain obligated to provide the other educational services it agreed to provide, such to the student's <br />inquiries, student and faculty interaction, and evaluations and comment on lessons submitted by the student, <br />but will not be obligated to pay and refund after all of the lessons and materials are provided. <br />Sample Refund Calculator <br />Refunds will be calculated in clock hours using the elapsed time method. The student is entitled to a refund <br />based upon the portion of the program not completed. The amount owed equals the daily charge for the program <br />(total institutional charge, divided by the number of days or hours in the program), multiplied by the number of <br />days student attended, or was scheduled to attend, prior to withdrawal less the cost of any books, supplies and <br />equipment returned in good condition (good condition does not include equipment that a seal is broken, log -on <br />12 <br />