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Initiation of Lockdown Procedure <br />If the risk assessment determines the need to secure a building or buildings to protect the campus community and to <br />prevent an escalation of the emergency, the local law enforcement officials or campus president or designee will give the <br />order to Lockdownspecific areas or the entire campus. <br />Notice that a Lockdown has been issued will be broadcast over the college's telephone intercom or by other appropriate <br />means. <br />Lockdown Procedure <br />• All campus buildings are to be locked to prevent entrance from unauthorized persons. <br />• Follow instructions and try to remain calm; <br />• Close and lock all doors immediately, turn off lights, and take coverto protect yourself. If it is not possibleto lock the <br />doors, place furniture and equipment in front of them to barricade them. Some doors open out into the corridor. In <br />this situation,use whatever means possible to try to restrict entry to the room, including placing furniture and <br />equipment in front of the door, or using a belt or other item to tie the door handle to something stable. <br />• Close blinds and drapes for concealment. <br />• Put cell phones on vibrate, and if communication is needed, use text messaging only. <br />• Remain under lockdown until advised by campus official or Law Enforcement Personnel that the crisis has been <br />resolved. <br />• Utilize the school's "card" notification system to indicate to officials that there are people in the room or office and <br />that they are sheltering in place. <br />• Move to the point in the room that is most distant from a door entering the room from the outside or from a <br />corridor/hallway. Do not huddle but spread out. <br />• Staff members are to remain in their offices, or a secure area, preferably without windows, with the door locked or <br />barricaded, where possible. <br />Faculty members are to remain in their classroom or office with the doors locked or barricaded, where possible. <br />• If an assailant entersthe room anclyou are notabletofloe, consider throwing items at the personto Inhibit progress. <br />• Remember that every emergency situation is different, and you always should use your best instincts. <br />PERSONAL PROPERTY <br />Students are asked to monitor all of their own personal property such as laptops, tablets, Chrome book, backpacks, books, <br />wallets, purses and other personal Items, as the school is not responsible for lost or stolen property. <br />GUESTS POLICY <br />Students are welcome to bring guests to tour the school during the school's normal hours of operation with approval of <br />the CampusPresident. Guests are asked to sign in at the reception desk. <br />COMPUTER LABORATORY USE <br />InterCoast Colleges maintains a computer laboratory and is available to all students during non-scheduled class usage <br />hours. Students are expected to demonstrate proper use of the computer equipment at all times. Any inappropriate uses <br />of computer equipment including, but not limited to the Inappropriate downloading of programs or materials from the <br />internet and/or other mistreatment and unauthorized use of equipment will not be tolerated. No smoking, eating, or <br />drinking is permitted at any time in the computer laboratory. <br />IntcrCoasL Colleges School Catalog 52 1 Fage <br />